algolia / youtube-captions-scraper

Fetch youtube user submitted or fallback to auto-generated captions
249 stars 67 forks source link

Fix #3: Fix fails for some Id's #4

Closed syzer closed 6 years ago

syzer commented 6 years ago
Haroenv commented 6 years ago

This looks correct to me, thanks. We usually use jest, so that would be nicer here, although the test itself looks fine. Thanks for contributing!

syzer commented 6 years ago

@Haroenv no problem.. great work guys! About tests : some(integration) tests are better than 0 tests? , right? :)

Ava is way faster for smaller projects ( jest startup time is really bad) And jest I usually do with tap assert jest-t-assert

IMHO: mocha asserts expect(bla).toBe(bla) is quite ugly and don't let you do short code like this:

test('Flatten form before send to backend ', t =>
  t.deepEqual(flattenObject(momentForm), expected) &&
  t.deepEqual(flattenObject(normalForm), expected))

Do you want me to rewrite it to jest/mocha test runner? Or this PR could be merged ?

Haroenv commented 6 years ago

This is not my personal project, but rather of @iam4x, so it's up to him. As you said, a test is better than no test. I think it depends on how much you'd like to contribute to this or write more tests if necessary. We wrote this program originally in a internal hackathon, which is also why it didn't initially have tests.

I'll leave it up to Maxime to decide