algonquindesign-grads / 2021

The 2021 Algonquin Design Grad website.
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Accessibility Testing — Hannah #86

Closed MacKenzieRose closed 3 years ago

MacKenzieRose commented 3 years ago

Accessibility Testing

Welcome to accessibility testing, @HannahDelaney.

I have assigned you the following list of tasks with which to test the website. Please check things off as you complete them.

Additionally, please document any concerns you encounter during testing in this issue thread, and include any relevant supporting documentation, including screenshots 🙂

Checklist for Chrome Accessibility testing on Desktop:

Deadline: Saturday, March 20th, 11:59PM

HannahDelaney commented 3 years ago

Hiiiiya I'm down to the wire here but I am only late by a bit! No late marks please! :P

So. I'm sorry for how long this list is, was thorough. I don't have any screenshots but if anything I describe doesn't make sense please ask me to clarify more! Also you'll see as you go through that some of these things are of higher priority than others (like the heading structure being off, versus something like adding embed classes to make alt tags look nicer), but it's just everything I thought worth mentioning when going through with the intent of being nit picky.

General pieces that apply across the site:





Student Templates: The templates all showed the same base issues.

Things I noticed on happenstance:

Y'all are CHAMPS! Like I said please ask me to clarify if anything doesn't make sense, especially if it is somewhere where I suggested a fix but it makes no sense the way I wrote it.