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Refactor `DryRunExecutor` #40

Closed tzaffi closed 1 year ago

tzaffi commented 1 year ago

Problems Summary

Too many executing methods

See below for a list of DryRunExecutor methods that allow executing dryruns. It is cumbersome and confusing to have so many methods that basically do the same thing. Ideally, it would be nice to have a single method with the following API:

class DryRunExecutor:
    def execute(
            cls: self,
            algod: AlgodClient,
            program: str,
            input: Any,
            mode: ExecutionMode = ExecutionMode.Application,
            abi_method_signature: Optional[str] = None,
            ... several more params such as sender, sp, is_app_create, accounts ...
            raise NotImplementedError("Implement execute method")

This makes use of functools singledispatch decorator

Inconsistent abi-type handling

Currently, graviton's dry run execution are inconsistent in how abi-information is handled. Some allow abi_argument_types and abi_return_types to be provided while some also allow abi_method_signature to be provided. The last parameter includes all the information that abi_argument_types and abi_return_types provides and therefore it is confusing to provide all the parameters.

After an investigation into the usage of dry run execution in PyTeal, it became apparent that in all relevant situations, an ABIReturnSubroutine object is available for inspection, and it comes with a method method_signature() which could be used to populate an abi_method_signature parameter for dry run execution.

Action Items

Streamline the dry run execution API by refactoring the dry run executing methods as follows:

List of dry run executing methods for refactoring

tzaffi commented 1 year ago

resolving thanks to #45