Current state := "WARNING: before updating PyTeal to a version with generates TEAL v2 contracts and fixing the programs to use the global function compileTeal rather the class method .teal(), make sure your program abides by the TEAL saftey guidelines"
Proposed state := "WARNING: before updating PyTeal to a version which generates TEAL v2 contracts and fixing the programs to use the global function compileTeal rather than the class method .teal(), make sure your program abides by the TEAL saftey guidelines"
Current state := "WARNING: before updating PyTeal to a version with generates TEAL v2 contracts and fixing the programs to use the global function compileTeal rather the class method .teal(), make sure your program abides by the TEAL saftey guidelines"
Proposed state := "WARNING: before updating PyTeal to a version which generates TEAL v2 contracts and fixing the programs to use the global function compileTeal rather than the class method .teal(), make sure your program abides by the TEAL saftey guidelines"