Open Mine77 opened 3 years ago
Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done
This issue now has a funding of 4500.0 ALGO (8280.0 USD @ $1.84/ALGO) attached to it.
Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done
Workers have applied to start work.
These users each claimed they can complete the work by 265 years from now. Please review their action plans below:
1) edoardopona has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.
Contracts Developing a quadratic funding smart contract with pyteal. Funding and distribution will be entirely on-chain, algos and ASA. 4 weeks
SDK Typescript functions to deploy and interact with the contracts. 1 wallet support (myalgo) 2 weeks
Testing and Docs Testing and documenting sdk and pyteal contract functions. 1 week
Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.
@edoardopona Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!
Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days
Hello, @gitcoinbot ! Of course I'm still working on this.
@EdoardoPona Don't worry about it. I've snoozed it.
@Mine77 it's been two months, can I have this bounty? I will use PyTEAL and the JavaScript SDK (Typescript) to create and test quadratic voting smart contracts, making sure to not store remaining votes on local state because users can wipe it. I'll use the MyAlgo SDK to allow users to connect their wallet.
@SantiagoGregory The bounty has been taken. See the gitcoin issue page.
What is this task?
With this bounty, we are looking for the following deliverables:
Contracts Developing a quadratic funding smart contract with pyteal. Funding and distribution will be entirely on-chain, algos and ASA.
SDK Typescript functions to deploy and interact with the contracts. 1 wallet support (myalgo)
Testing and Docs Testing and documenting sdk and pyteal contract functions.
Please make the submission with the link to the Github repo.
Other Requirements