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add a python function that can be called but it compiles to inline teal #247

Open Loedn opened 1 month ago

Loedn commented 1 month ago


I want to achieve this inlining to save space in a logic signature, which has a size limit of 1000 bytes, while keeping the code organized within functions.



def x(g1: Bytes) -> Bytes:
    return extract(g1, 0, key_size)

def negate_proof(g1: Bytes) -> Bytes:
    negated_rhs_bigUint: BigUInt = negate(g1)
    negated_rhs: Bytes = negated_rhs_bigUint.bytes
    negated_proof = concat(x(g1), negated_rhs)

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joe-p commented 1 month ago

In addition to saving program bytecode size, this would also help reduce opcode cost. Subroutine calls (assuming they have variables) require at least a callsub, proto, and retsub. In scenarios where a set of operations is frequently repeated, this can quickly add up.