algorandfoundation / xGov

Algorand xGov Proposals Submission
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xGov Voting Session 3: Proposer Reddit AMA #172

Closed fredestante closed 3 months ago

fredestante commented 5 months ago

Hi xGov Proposers,

This is an open invitation for the “xGov Proposer Reddit MEGA AMA” to be held on Thursday, February 8th 2024 at

This event will be an opportunity for the community to ask questions to any proposals currently being reviewed ahead of voting session 3.

Structure of the AMA

AMA to start on February 8th at 4pm UTC - this is when projects start responding to community questions Projects can continue to answer and engage with the community once the 2h period is over, but all participants are encouraged to be active during this time slot.

How to sign up for the AMA as a xGov grant proposer

You must respond to this github issue from the same account as you sent your xGov proposal with the following information:

Name: Name of your project Description: Short description of your project (500 characters max - it will be capped at that limit) Link: One link to your project (website, social media, etc) Submission Link: The link to your xGov Proposal Amount Requested: The amount requested in your xGov Proposal Reddit username: Reddit usernames of everyone from your team that will answer questions from the community. These accounts will receive a special flair to indicate which project they are affiliated with


The deadline to sign up for the Reddit AMA is February 7th at 8pm UTC.

AMA logistics

The AMA on Reddit will feature all projects that sign up in this github issue, and they will be added to the post in the order they are registered here.


Review all the rules of our sub before making your comments. The rules are available on the sidebar at

SilentRhetoric commented 5 months ago

Name: AlgoDirectory Description: AlgoDirectory will help people discover all that the Algorand ecosystem has to offer while enabling users to easily create & edit listings through an on-chain model. The Directory will become permissionless and sustainable by leveraging Algorand’s powerful capabilities to put listings on chain and let owners maintain them through a novel “Vouching Protocol” smart contract. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 50,000 Reddit username: u/SilentRhetoric u/tak-o-kat

SilentRhetoric commented 5 months ago

Name: Community Code Contribution Contest (C4) Description: The Community Code Contribution Contest (C4) will be an ARC-34-compliant community contest among developers in the Algorand ecosystem to contribute high-quality features and bug fixes to the core code libraries that make Algorand work. The contest will also generate recognition for winning developers on social media to bring attention to their efforts to make Algorand’s codebase better. Link: N/A Submission Link: Amount Requested: 44,444 Reddit username: u/SilentRhetoric

headline-design commented 5 months ago

Name: XBallot - DAO Management Platform Description: XBallot is a comprehensive governance protocol that allows users to create and manage DAOs on the Algorand blockchain. The protocol includes a variety of features that enable users to create and manage DAOs, including: voting, proposals, treasury, and more. The protocol is also fully decentralized, featuring a unique on-chain data aggregation system that allows users to interact with the protocol directly from their Algorand wallet. Link: GitHub Link: Submission Link: Forum Link: Amount Requested: 375,000 Reddit username: u/ussaaron

shivamanupadi commented 5 months ago

Name: Pixelnode: One-click node manager Description: PixelNode is a user-friendly One-click node solution for Algorand node management. Offering a seamless installation process and an intuitive web interface for easy interaction with Algorand nodes. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 250,000 Reddit username: u/shivaprasadmanupadi

Vidhyanandcs commented 5 months ago

Name: Notiboy web3 chat (Milestone 2) Group Chat, Encryption and NFD integration Description: We at Notiboy has a vision to make web3 communication more efficient. That means the algorand addresses should be able to communicate with each other by maintaining their privacy. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 60,000 Reddit username: u/semanticweb

Vidhyanandcs commented 5 months ago

Name: Airgap vault & wallet integration via isolated modules Description: Airgap vault is an open-source vault that helps algorand community to convert their old mobile phone to a cold storage for generation and management of private keys. Airgap wallet is an open-source wallet with web, android, iOS, mac, windows and linux support. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 84,530 Reddit username: u/semanticweb

Note: @fredestante i don't represent airgap team. As it is an open-source wallet, we are planning to integrate it for ecosystem development.

heartberg commented 5 months ago

Name: xGov 170: Decentralized Voting & Agreement Signing for Everyone Description: A new voting and agreement signing tool that enables any user, brand, or community to deploy custom contracts for streamlined proposal creation, decentralized voting, encrypted agreement signing, and immutable record keeping. By providing essential collaboration and decision-making features within a highly intuitive user-experience, we aim to attract, target, and onboard teams and businesses primarily from outside the Algorand ecosystem. Link: Launching soon Submission Link: Amount Requested: 125000 Reddit username: u/wow_everything

ChainTrail commented 5 months ago

Name: Chaintrail - Uncovering Algorand

Description: We'll be unraveling the landscape of Real-World Assets tokenized on Algorand. Showing web2 and web3 consumers that Algorand is 'the' blockchain best suited for RWA (using actual on-chain data). Made by Chaintrail, a blockchain intelligence & insights platform focussed on uncovering Algorand in full (Dapp impact, NFT's, RWA, Network insights, TVL, Stables, ...)


Submission Link:

Amount Requested: 95000

Reddit username: u/Lea-Chaintrail

solluna168 commented 5 months ago

Name: x Gov 143 Solluna Mushroom Farm Description: Solluna Mushroom Farms is a farm-to-table business that is adopting Algorand’s blockchain technology to educate/onboard mushroom growers and buyers. We aim to achieve this by implementing the following key features to our business plan: (1) an ASA rewards only program for our customers and supporters, (2) an NFT based grow kit and farming course, and (3) an innovative regenerative sustainablity mushroom farm. This company offers in-person workshops, mushroom foraging expeditions, and a gentle introduction to cryptocurrency and mushroom cultivation. Link: Submission Link:

Amount Requested: 55,000 Reddit username: solluna168 tak-o-kat

dsmessman commented 5 months ago

Name: pressdot Description: pressdot is the first pay-per-view content monetization service on Algorand. Creators currently struggle to monetize their work effectively without using ads or subscriptions. pressdot provides an alternative method to share and monetize content, enabling more access for viewers, and more revenue for creators. Link: Submission Link: xGov 118: pressdot - the First WebMarket Amount Requested: 500,000 Reddit username: /u/pressdotdugan

xxiled-plastic-cat commented 5 months ago

Name: xGov 148 - CompX - CoinTracker+ #148 Description:

So you’ve found the next 100x coin, your excited! You bought some yesterday and you bought some today - but the price changed in that time - green candles of course! - but how does that affect your return? What’s your average buying price? What happened in between your buys, what was the volume? Coin Tracker+ is another innovative feature brought to you by CompX. Analytics are great but personalised analytics are even better. Select any coin/token/ASA/NFT and get a personalised dashboard related to your holdings, buying, selling, average prices and overall P+L. Find farming/staking opportunities to your holdings and get alerts on price changes.

Link: Submission Link: The link to your xGov Proposal Amount Requested: 50,000 Reddit username: u/ktnelsonArt

xxiled-plastic-cat commented 5 months ago

Name: xGov-149 - CompX - Farm Rewards with Lock Weighting #149 Description:

At CompX we pride ourselves on bringing innovative solutions to the Algorand DeFi ecosystem. Our auto-compounding farms give users new strategies to earn higher yield in a more efficient manner. To further enhance our auto-compounding farm product we want to introduce a mechanism where users can yield additional rewards on top of the farm APR and the auto-compounding bonus.

Link: Submission Link: The link to your xGov Proposal Amount Requested: 200,000 Reddit username: u/ktnelsonArt

clooneyr commented 5 months ago

Name: xGov-157: Centralised Bridge Proposal: Two-Way Cardano (ADA) to Algorand (Algo) #157 Description: This proposal outlines the development of a centralised bridge facilitating the seamless transfer of Cardano (ADA) and Algorand (ALGO) between the two chains. The bridge aims to leverage the unique nature of the Cardano and Algorand relationship and provide users on both networks with a secure and efficient means to transfer and utilise assets across ecosystems Link: algomint Submission Link: The link to your xGov Proposal Amount Requested: 260,000 Reddit username:

atsoc1993 commented 5 months ago

Name: AlgoLearn; xGov-99 Description: The current resources for new developers are scattered and spread thin across several platforms with zero interactivity. AlgoLearn will bridge these gaps with interactive and detailed guides to programming, including rudimentary concepts needed before diving into Algorand SDKs. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 120000 Reddit username: Atsoc1993

madshapes-dev commented 5 months ago

Name: xgov-95: Gamify Exploration and Engagement of NFT ecosystem with Open-source browser game #95 Description: Develop a "match-2" open-source browser game with scoring to explore algorand NFT collections. It provides a very visual and engaging experience of discovering Algorand NFT scene. It can be used as a tool for giveaways and competitions to cheaply and easily drive extra activity to the projects. In the future we would like to expand this to become a crosschain platform to help with onboarding new NFT enthusiast to Algorand. You can try a POC version here: Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 30 000 Reddit username: u/cc-simon , u/cosmicchamps

Name: xgov-152: Algorand is THE chain for Gaming (establishing the RWA narrative) #152 Description: To establish the narrative that Algorand is great for gaming it is crucial that lead games are secure, performant and ideally built to appeal the masses (fun to play) - all of which Cosmic Champs is! To date, we are the only game that supports real time 3d PVP, with authoritative servers on Algorand. To meet the demand, we seek funds to migrate our server fleet to a more powerful instances that will be able to handle sudden spikes in active game sessions better, ensuring smooth first impressions. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 100 000 Reddit username: u/cc-simon , u/cosmicchamps

Name: xgov-154: Cosmic Champs partnering with legendary indie toy company to bring physical toy in-game on Algorand #154 Description: we are partnering with an established player in the collectible toy industry that holds brand IPs for action toys that are a perfect fit for our mobile game (imagine transformers or gundam IP being added to Cosmic Champs game). We will do a limited physical run of a the collectible toy (not a cosmic champs character) and integrate it in our game as NFT. Each figurine will have its NFT counterpart. That will open Algorand to a whole new audience of collectors to interact ecosystem. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 250 000 Reddit username: u/cc-simon , u/cosmicchamps

LoafPickleWW commented 5 months ago

Name: xGov 112 - Thurstober Tools - Onboarding Enhancements, Upgrades, and Redesign Description: The Team at Thurstober Tools (Formerly Evil Tools) has listened to the community requests for new tools. In this proposal we want to add in NFD Vault Support to reduce the opt-friction for new Algorand Users, Add in the ability to enter an NFD root and airdrop to all the segements, Add ARC-36 Support (Non-Rarity Filters) to our Simple Mint and Update Tools, Add in advanced asset tools to change the Manager, Freeze, and Clawback Address, and add in a tool where you can enter a Wallet Address to download the tx history. Included in this proposal free of charge will also be a site re-design. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 20,000A Reddit username: u/loafpickle

LoafPickleWW commented 5 months ago

Name: xgov-113 - Thurstober Wallet Enhancer - Asset Details and Atomic Swaps Description: Listening to community feedback, we want to enhance the wallet enhancer with this proposal! Users have requested Asset Details for when you click on an asset. This will show the asset information including the metadata and give the user the ability to add, opt out, or send right from that asset page. In addition we intend on allowing users to make trades where you can go on another wallet, select assets, and set up an atomic swap transfer for any algorand ASAs. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 20,000A Reddit username: u/loafpickle

LoafPickleWW commented 5 months ago

Name: xgov-114 - Thurstober Claims - Easily Create and Claim Atomic Swaps Description: This proposal has been highly requested from app developers on Discord and Telegram. Here users will be able to use new API endpoints to easily create automated swap links. This will help reduce the onboarding friction of having to add an ASA to claim something as the atomic swap will have the opt in and transfer in once signing. In addition to creating the ability for bots to tap into the website, we will be developing an example discord bot to make things easier to develop and have a manual swap creation feature, becuase why not? Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 20,000A Reddit username: u/loafpickle

scholtz commented 5 months ago

Name: xgov-164 - Prague community meetup Description: We want to build community in Central Europe - in Prague. We will host the algorand meetup event during Prague Blockchain Week. Submission Link: Amount Requested: 15,000A Reddit username: u/LudovitScholtz

Name: xgov-163 - Biatec AMM - Milestone 3 Description: Milestone 3 from the approved xgov #80 - Concentrated liquidity AMM. Milestone 3 is about integration to DEX aggregator. Submission Link: Amount Requested: 200,000A Reddit username: u/LudovitScholtz

Name: xgov-162 - ASA.Gold - Introduction Video Description: ASA.Gold is gold tokenization project on Algorand with novel way to audit gold reserves - everybody can see the composition of gold reserves. Each gold item in the reserves is marked with serial number and NFT is minted for it. Each NFT is purchasable at the onchain eshop, and owners can resell it at the secondary NFT marketplace or he can redeem the gold item by parcel delivery to his home address. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 16,000A Reddit username: u/LudovitScholtz

Name: xgov-161 - VoteCoin - Introduction Video Description: Vote Coin DAO created onchain voting standard and open source solutions capable of efficient onchain community decision making. This includes the fractionalized and categorized delegation of the voting power, encrypted voting, trusted list management and results calculation by multiple functions. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 16,000A Reddit username: u/LudovitScholtz

Name: xgov-160 - VoteCoin - GitHub tools Description: Github repository management using the onchain voting. Link: Submission Link: Amount Requested: 80,000A Reddit username: u/LudovitScholtz