algorithm-archivists / algorithm-archive

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adding linked lists and data structures #995

Open avipars opened 2 years ago

avipars commented 2 years ago

Feature Request

Would it be possible (or relevant) to have a data structure chapter. Queues and stacks are discussed but not linked lists (single, doubly,or circular).


A clear and concise description of what the desired feature is and how it would help, including any relevant screenshots / schematics.

Additional context

I think this addition is minor in skme aspects but can certainly help people studying data structures and algorithms get a taste of some basic models.

For Algorithm Archive Developers

avipars commented 2 years ago

Om a separate note, the search functionality is functional on mobile web but is hard to use


avipars commented 2 years ago

Requires either scrolling... or enabling desktop mode

ShadowMitia commented 2 years ago

Om a separate note, the search functionality is functional on mobile web but is hard to use


Noted, but you can always open an issue for it if you want!

For the data structures and linked lists, it would make sense to have them at some point. I think right now they are not a priority (at least for the absolute basic CS ones). There are plenty of content for those right now. Maybe for the less common ones it would make sense to develop them. Do you have a list in mind?

Circular lists could probably be added, I've seen it in use in a few places, and I don't believe it's taught that much.

Udarthegreat commented 2 years ago

I would like to add a few small notes here, first of all I agree that a chapter on data structures would be nice to see. also it seams that you have a typo in this post on the first word. also as mentioned by @ShadowMitia it would be best if you put the search issue as a separate issue on this repo and if you do so (which I think you should) it would be best if you also mirror it over to AAA-py. Though, again I agree that it would be nice to see though I dont think that this warrants being all that much of a priority for the project, though I'm sure if you PR something in it may go somewhere with some conversation first and will eventually merge into master though it may be some time because currently some things are changing. Also I think that the check mark on This feature can be added to the Master Overview can be checked, in my opinion. As a note I'm relatively new to the project so take my input with a grain of salt, which is why I think others input on this issue would be nice to see (specifically on the chapter request).