algosup / 2023-2024-project-2-x86-retrogaming-team-2

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Téléthon Bug Report #14

Open AlexisLasselin opened 6 months ago

AlexisLasselin commented 6 months ago

Following the tests carried out during the telethon, I'd like to make a few comments, in particular about bugs concerning ghosts :

The first is that Pac-Man dies if he runs into a ghost, but not the other way around. So you just have to remain static to be "immortal";

Secondly, if you ever take a PacGum (the checkmarks on your game), you can stay glued to the ghost, gaining points ad infinitum, exceeding your score display (then stopping at 99,999,999) and even crashing your game after ten minutes using this feature.

Good luck in resolving them and continuing the project.