algosup / 2023-2024-project-2-x86-retrogaming-team-6

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Weekly report 50 correction #11

Closed Manech-Laguens closed 10 months ago

Manech-Laguens commented 10 months ago

"Weekly Report Team 6 : Week 48" This weekly report is the n°50.

"Examen oral" correction : Oral exam.

"We've started writing our plan for our oral exam." correction: We started writing our plan for our oral exam.

"In addition, we've also started writing the lyrics for each team member." correction: In addition, we also started writing the oral notes for each team member.

"But we also started to find the template for our slideshow and to start the first pages of our slideshow." correction: Furthermore, we found a nice template for our slideshow so we were able to start the slideshow.

"They are also about the development of ghosts and their movements. Because our ghosts have to move on their own, and some have powers such as following the pac man." correction: They are also working on the development of the ghosts and their movements, since our ghosts have to move on their own.

"Finish writing our oral exam and then finish the slideshow of this oral exam to have time to practice before the big day." correction: We must finish the writing and the slideshow for the oral exam, the earlier we're done, the more we will have time to practice for the big day.