algosup / 2023-2024-project-4-sportshield-team-7

🛡️🔐 This is our take on the SportShield project, aiming to help better secure sports gear all around the world!
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ignore this test #6

Closed mathiskakal closed 5 months ago

mathiskakal commented 5 months ago

Test Case Title

Battery Voltage Reading Test (example)

Test Description

This will read the voltage from the battery and check if it is compliant with the data provided by the spec sheet.


The goal of this test is to ensure that the battery is viable to work with.


Arduino IDE 2.3.2; etc.


The board must be flashed with the latest software


The test completed and returned a correct value.

Test Data

The Battery Specification for its voltage


Step ID Step Description Step Date Expected Results Actual Results Pass / Fail Add. Notes
0 Flash the board with the battery reading software 14:38:02UTC+1/19.04.2024 Flashing is successful Flashing was successful Pass
1 Receive battery reading from Bluetooth 14:39:13UTC+1/19.04.2024 Reading = Spec Reading = Spec Pass
2 Receive battery reading from Bluetooth 14:41:13UTC+1/19.04.2024 Reading = Spec Reading = Spec Pass
3 Receive battery reading from Bluetooth 14:42:13UTC+1/19.04.2024 Reading = Spec Reading = Spec Pass
4 Receive battery reading from Bluetooth 14:44:13UTC+1/19.04.2024 Reading = Spec Reading = Spec Pass
5 Test Closure 14:42:41UTC+1/19.04.2024 No exception or error thrown No exception or error thrown Pass Noticed screen flickering when tear down


Noticed Screen flickering during teardown of step 5