not talking about the project itself, not talking about the device.
not enough details in there.
Market Analysis
Moreover, this doesn’t fit the SportShield project’s requirements given at the beginning. -> what's that about, why is there?
Refurbish Hardware
The hardware should be refurbished as it does not exactly correspond to the project -> needs clarification.
needs rework.
add the final presentation to the deliverables.
We reserve the right to suggest changes to the client, to improve the hardware in the future. -> reserve a bit too straightforward.
Evaluation criteria
keep this only: The evaluation criteria are set principally by the stakeholders, they are the ones that will assess whether the product fulfills expectations or not.
Acceptance Criteria
need to be more factual on this.
Performance Requirements
We need to find ways to reduce the energy consumption of the device. Such ways are: -> we have already found such ways
Risks and Assumptions
breaking or burning it -> remove "it"
school will provide us enough time resource to work on the project.
add a trigger mode when the alarm is ringing.
sleep mode , change the way the sentence is provided:
it would not activate the alarm accidentally (the motion detection and the alarm will always be turned off)
Consume more than the sleep mode and is not secured
put smthg about the LED consumption being negligible (The LED will consume energy (nevertheless it’s negligible)
Low battery management
Be more precise and define in there.
GPRS notification, what's that?
GPRS Management
State and mode is it not the same thing? If not define more clearly
Functional Specifications
No response
Proposed change
Requested Changes
Add numbers to the parts
Other stakeholders
Add ALGOSUP, represented by FJ
Add a part about the already existing product
Project Scope
not talking about the project itself, not talking about the device. not enough details in there.
Market Analysis
Moreover, this doesn’t fit the SportShield project’s requirements given at the beginning. -> what's that about, why is there?
Refurbish Hardware
The hardware should be refurbished as it does not exactly correspond to the project -> needs clarification.
needs rework.
add the final presentation to the deliverables.
We reserve the right to suggest changes to the client, to improve the hardware in the future. -> reserve a bit too straightforward.
Evaluation criteria
keep this only: The evaluation criteria are set principally by the stakeholders, they are the ones that will assess whether the product fulfills expectations or not.
Acceptance Criteria
need to be more factual on this.
Performance Requirements
We need to find ways to reduce the energy consumption of the device. Such ways are: -> we have already found such ways
Risks and Assumptions
breaking or burning it -> remove "it"
school will provide us enough time resource to work on the project.
add a trigger mode when the alarm is ringing.
sleep mode , change the way the sentence is provided: it would not activate the alarm accidentally (the motion detection and the alarm will always be turned off)
Consume more than the sleep mode and is not secured
put smthg about the LED consumption being negligible (The LED will consume energy (nevertheless it’s negligible)
Low battery management
Be more precise and define in there.
GPRS notification, what's that?
GPRS Management
State and mode is it not the same thing? If not define more clearly
Avoid breaking ears accidentally. -> english?
verify stuff define MVP
package -> pass
No response