algosup / 2023-2024-project-5-flutter-team-3

5th project of the year 2023-2024
MIT License
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Document report: [Functional | Part 1 and 2] #9

Open Clementine951 opened 1 month ago

Clementine951 commented 1 month ago


  1. Table of content
    1. Goes from 7 to 9 (VII - IX)
  2. I. 1. A.
    1. “software engineer” should start with an uppercase “S”.
  3. I. 3.
    1. Not a call for tender.
  4. I. 4.
    1. The oral presentation's description is missing a point.
  5. II. 1.
    1. The font and the colour are not the same everywhere on the persona 1.
    2. Is the app focusing on people with high, low or both skill levels?
    3. If both or low, the personas are not representatives.
  6. II. 2.

    1. Use case 1

      1. The username is created by the user or the app?
      2. Are you talking about anonymisation or pseudonymisation?
      3. There shouldn't be any documents uploaded to the app. (even a portfolio)
      4. No real precisions about alerts or notifications.
      5. On VS Code, the extension part is on the same line as postconditions. Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 16 17 13
    2. Use case 2

      1. Is the app, the user, or both that ensure the anonymisation?
      2. No precisions about the alerts.
      3. On postconditions, the first sentence doesn't start with an uppercase.
    3. Use case 3

      1. The user (candidate) is selecting the criteria of search on his profile or by specific search?
      2. If by specific search, can a user have multiple searches?
      3. Where do you find the support options?
      4. No precisions about the alerts.
    4. Use case 4

      1. How do you "save the ones of interest"? Are you talking about the matches?
      2. On VS Code, the extension part is on the same line as postconditions.
      3. No precisions about alerts, reminders and alternative candidates suggestions.
    5. Use case 5

      1. In this use case, you are talking about status updates, but is it the purpose of the app?
      2. Same for the track of the hiring process.
    6. Use case 6

      1. What is the job offers section? Is it on the mock-up?
      2. Is accepting or refusing the offers part of the app?
      3. Precisions about notifications are needed.

The review will be finished when the overall update will be done.


  1. High (Immediate attention needed)



Expected Correction

Multiple questions have been asked, and the review will continue once they are answered. A correction of the uppercase is also needed.

Other Details

Overall, a lot of small details are missing.