ali-ramadhan / DocumenterCitations.jl

DocumenterCitations.jl uses Bibliography.jl to add support for BibTeX citations and references in documentation pages generated by Documenter.jl.
MIT License
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Added sorting flags which are now supported by Bibliography.jl #39

Closed LazyScholar closed 3 years ago

LazyScholar commented 3 years ago


Rudimentary sorting capability. Accessible via sorting argument. One example with references in documentation. Updated patch version from 0.2.3 to 0.2.4.

LazyScholar commented 3 years ago

@ali-ramadhan thanks for the suggestion.

I changed it to to the use with a keyword.

The collaborator status is not necessary but thanks nevertheless. If the changes are ok i can merge and close the issue. Not sure how to use the tag-bot/register the package.

ali-ramadhan commented 3 years ago

Yes looks good to merge!

Tagging is pretty easy, once this PR is merged just comment with @JuliaRegistrator register on the commit you want to tag like here:

JuliaRegistrator commented 3 years ago

Comments on pull requests will not trigger Registrator, as it is disabled. Please try commenting on a commit or issue.

LazyScholar commented 3 years ago

Okay will do thanks.