ali-vilab / UniAnimate

Code for Paper "UniAnimate: Taming Unified Video Diffusion Models for Consistent Human Image Animation".
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关于 Pose alignment #29

Open ldqrecord opened 1 week ago

ldqrecord commented 1 week ago


ldqrecord commented 1 week ago


wangxiang1230 commented 1 week ago

Pose alignment can be run on a gpu in our cases. We will check this and give the solution as soon as possible.

ldqrecord commented 1 week ago

Pose alignment can be run on a gpu in our cases. We will check this and give the solution as soon as possible.


wangxiang1230 commented 1 week ago

Pose alignment can be run on a gpu in our cases. We will check this and give the solution as soon as possible.


Hi, thanks for your comments. You can run the pose alignment on gpu by installing onnxruntime-gpu==1.13.1, i.e., pip install onnxruntime-gpu==1.13.1, and we have added the dependency in the requirements.txt. Thanks for your contribution.

DecodeW commented 1 week ago

追加一个最新的问题,更新了依赖后,有了新的报错,是代码部分应该也有更新吗? error

wangxiang1230 commented 1 week ago


Hi, it seems that your pose is not detected correctly. You can refer to The code of pose alignment is not updated, you can try it with the data/videos/source_video.mp4 provided by us. Possible causes of your above problems: 1: pose cannot be detected

  1. Some key points of reference images are not present in driving pose at all. Thanks for your attention.
DecodeW commented 1 week ago

Thanks a lot!