My GPU is V100 32G;
When using the pre-trained model to inference, an error will often be killed, but sometimes it can run successfully, has anyone encountered this situation
[2023-08-11 13:09:34,289] INFO: Loading ViT-H-14 model config.
[2023-08-11 13:09:47,112] INFO: Loading pretrained ViT-H-14 weights (/root/autodl-tmp/videocomposer/model_weights/open_clip_pytorch_model.bin).
[2023-08-11 13:09:52,142] INFO: Loading ViT-H-14 model config.
[2023-08-11 13:10:04,689] INFO: Loading pretrained ViT-H-14 weights (/root/autodl-tmp/videocomposer/model_weights/open_clip_pytorch_model.bin). line 49: 2445 Killed python --cfg configs/exp04_sketch2video_wo_style.yaml --seed 144 --sketch_path "demo_video/src_single_sketch.png" --input_text_desc "A little bird is standing on a branch"
My GPU is V100 32G; When using the pre-trained model to inference, an error will often be killed, but sometimes it can run successfully, has anyone encountered this situation [2023-08-11 13:09:34,289] INFO: Loading ViT-H-14 model config. [2023-08-11 13:09:47,112] INFO: Loading pretrained ViT-H-14 weights (/root/autodl-tmp/videocomposer/model_weights/open_clip_pytorch_model.bin). [2023-08-11 13:09:52,142] INFO: Loading ViT-H-14 model config. [2023-08-11 13:10:04,689] INFO: Loading pretrained ViT-H-14 weights (/root/autodl-tmp/videocomposer/model_weights/open_clip_pytorch_model.bin). line 49: 2445 Killed python --cfg configs/exp04_sketch2video_wo_style.yaml --seed 144 --sketch_path "demo_video/src_single_sketch.png" --input_text_desc "A little bird is standing on a branch"