aliakseis / SDL-example

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Does It need a video conversion? #1

Open w136111526 opened 5 years ago

w136111526 commented 5 years ago

Hello, hard decoding and switching Ist-& GT; Hwaccel_retrieve_data(pFrame, pFrame) after the pFrame why playing directly with the SDL player will show abnormal Ah, conversion through yuv420 has become trouble again. SDL texture created as: SdlText = SDL_CreateText(SDL Render, SDLPIXELFORMAT NV12, SDL_TEXTUREACSS_STREAMING, Screen_w, streen_h); The SDL refresh code should read SDL_UpdateText(sdlText, NULL, pFrame Target-& GT; Data[ 0] , pFrame Target-& GT; Linesize[ 0] ); SDL_RenderCopy(SDL Render, sdlText, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(SDL Render);

aliakseis commented 5 years ago

I am afraid that NV12 usage with SDL is problematic: