aliascash / alias-wallet-archive

The content of this repository was reunited with the history of it's ancestors. It's archived now to keep all former release artifacts. The new repository is available at
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Slow blockchain sync speed #52

Closed aliascash closed 6 years ago

aliascash commented 6 years ago

This is an issue that needs to be addressed for v.1.5 of Spectrecoin - it takes too long for a new user to download the Spectre blockchain and this will deter users from using the software. We need to dramatically increase the sync speed for new users.

teknex commented 6 years ago

Informations regarding data organization for bitcoin:

The essential blockchain data without any private data is stored in:

  1. File blkxxxx.dat: blockchain data in net format
  2. Folder txleveldb: a database containing the indexed transactions

If you have an empty Spectre data directoy and put the blkxxxx.dat and txleveldb inside. on startup the Application scans all trx with the private keys stored in wallet.dat. On a moderate fast PC this takes under 2 min. The application considers the blocks in blkxxx.dat as trustworty and does not validate them.

A zip file with the data is about 530 MB

HLXEasy commented 6 years ago

See GitHub repo, which is used by Jenkins job to create zip archive