aliasrobotics / RVD

Robot Vulnerability Database. An archive of robot vulnerabilities and bugs.
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RVD#87: Unauthenticated registration/unregistration with ROS Master API #87

Open aliasbot opened 5 years ago

aliasbot commented 5 years ago
id: 87
title: 'RVD#87: Unauthenticated registration/unregistration with ROS Master API'
type: vulnerability
description: "This vulnerability has previously been disclosed in a variety of peer-reviewed\
  \ articles. Among them and of most relevance is *Dieber, B., Breiling, B., Taurer,\
  \ S., Kacianka, S., Rass, S., & Schartner, P. (2017). Security for the Robot Operating\
  \ System. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 98, 192-203*.The vulnerability applies\
  \ to the [ROS Master API](,\
  \  a standardized interface to connect to the centralized hub of the Robot Operating\
  \ System, the master (acting as a server). The ROS Master facilitates discovery\
  \ information to all the nodes in the ROS network. Correspondingly, the Master API\
  \ provides means for topic and service registration, namespace (URI) lookup and\
  \ mechanisms for establishing or finalizing distributed (publish/subscribe) networking\
  \ communications. As described at,\
  \ there is no authentication enforced within the API. Particularly, for registering\
  \ a new publisher, the API method is as follows:\r\n **registerPublisher(caller_id,\
  \ topic, topic_type, caller_api)**\r\n \r\n Register the caller as a publisher the\
  \ topic.\r\n \r\n Parameters\r\n \r\n *callerid* (str)\r\n \r\n ROS caller ID\r\n\
  \ *topic* (str)\r\n \r\n Fully-qualified name of topic to register.\r\n *topictype*\
  \ (str)\r\n \r\n Datatype for topic. Must be a package-resource name, i.e. the .msg\
  \ name.\r\n *callerapi* (str)\r\n \r\nAPI URI of publisher to register.\r\nReturns\
  \ (int, str, [str])\r\n \r\n (code, statusMessage, subscriberApis)\r\n \r\n List\
  \ of current subscribers of topic in the form of XMLRPC URIs.\r\nThere is no verification\
  \ that the arguments given are valid. This leads to a vulnerability that attackers\
  \ can exploit to register or unregister selected Publishers, Subscribers or Services\
  \ on demand.A few remarks:\r\n- Attack complexity is low due to existing tools that\
  \ allow to exploit this vulnerability\r\n- Scope is the internal network of the\
  \ robot\r\n- No safety implications have been remarked since the vulnerability affects\
  \ a robot (software) component and not a complete system by itself. It should be\
  \ noted however, that a  robotic system using a vulnerable ROS setup  could easily\
  \ cause human harm and thereby affect safety.Further details about exploitation\
  \ provided below."
cwe: CWE-Missing Authentication for Critical Function (CWE-306)
cve: None
- components software
- 'robot component: ROS'
- 'severity: high'
- 'state: new'
- vulnerability
system: ROS
vendor: N/A
  rvss-score: 7.1
  rvss-vector: RVSS:1.0/AV:IN/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/Y:Z/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:H/H:N
  severity-description: high
  cvss-score: 9.1
  cvss-vector: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:H
  phase: unknown
  specificity: N/A
  architectural-location: N/A
  application: N/A
  subsystem: N/A
  package: N/A
  languages: None
  date-detected: '2018-10-20'
  detected-by: ''
  detected-by-method: N/A
  date-reported: '2018-10-20'
  reported-by: ''
  reported-by-relationship: N/A
  reproducibility: ''
  trace: null
  reproduction: ''
  reproduction-image: ''
  description: ''
  exploitation-image: ''
  exploitation-vector: ''
  exploitation-recipe: ''
  description: ''
  pull-request: ''
  date-mitigation: ''
vmayoral commented 5 years ago

Updated CWE-ID.

vmayoral commented 5 years ago

Demonstration of the exploitation of this vulnerability available at

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

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