aliatayee / Attendance_Management_System

Attendance Management System is a Laravel based web application which keeps track of employee hours by either using ZKTecho finger print device or manual attendance sheet.
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not logging in #6

Open dev21wp opened 2 years ago

dev21wp commented 2 years ago

Whats the email and password for login .can i get you contact number or email ? does it works for zkTeco uface 800

aliatayee commented 2 years ago

Hello @dev21wp Please run the migrations first then you can login with credentials added in file

dev21wp commented 2 years ago

Done but i am Unable to add device getting this error Error Call to undefined function Rats\Zkteco\Lib\socket_create()

mango2001 commented 2 years ago

Whats the email and password for login .can i get you contact number or email ? does it works for zkTeco uface 800

You can access to the email and password in the database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php

'name' => 'Admin', 'email' => '', 'password' => Hash::make(''),

so, the password is: & so is the password.

Try this and let me know if it helped you.

dev21wp commented 2 years ago

thank you Brother but I am unable to add device i am getting this errorC:\Users\Alpha\Downloads\Attendance_Management_System-master\Attendance_Management_System-master\ Error Call to undefined function Rats\Zkteco\Lib\socket_create() error

and I want to upload this project on live server

dev21wp commented 2 years ago

now Device is added but i am unable to fetch attendance record or users

aliatayee commented 2 years ago

Hello @dev21wp It seems the issue is with your virtual server if you are running in local. to solve the issue please enable socket_create extension in your php.ini

steps to go:

if you are using XAMPP, All you got to do is go to php.ini in the C:\xampp\php directory and change the ;extension=php_sockets.dll to extension=php_sockets.dll.

or check this one : Socket PHP extension:

Anep11 commented 1 year ago

Where to change credentials for admin

Anep11 commented 1 year ago

I want to use my own email as admin login

POPO2030 commented 1 year ago

Hello @dev21wp It seems the issue is with your virtual server if you are running in local. to solve the issue please enable socket_create extension in your php.ini

steps to go:

if you are using XAMPP, All you got to do is go to php.ini in the C:\xampp\php directory and change the ;extension=php_sockets.dll to extension=php_sockets.dll.

or check this one : Socket PHP extension:

i make this but the fingerprint can't added

muphalanga commented 12 months ago

how do i add my own credentials