alibaba-archive / fcli

The cli of function compute.
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What is a good way to manage code via git using Aliyun FC? #31

Open sluongng opened 6 years ago

sluongng commented 6 years ago

Run time, for example python2.7, require you to install the library packages locally.

 ls -l /tmp/code
 drwxr-xr-x   9 rockuw  staff  306 Jul  5 16:48 PyMySQL-0.7.11.dist-info
 -rw-r--r--   1 rockuw  staff   74 Jul  5 16:02
 drwxr-xr-x  26 rockuw  staff  884 Jul  5 16:48 pymysql  

This creates a really messy git directory and hard to track via git. What is the best practice of using function compute in this case?