alibaba-archive / fcli

The cli of function compute.
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设置好endpoint、id等之后,再打开直接闪退 #38

Open xnx3 opened 5 years ago

xnx3 commented 5 years ago


Last login: Sun Dec 2 15:18:20 on ttys001 guanleimingdeMacBook-Pro:~ apple$ /Users/apple/Downloads/fcli ; exit; fcli: function compute command line tools

Usage: fcli [flags] fcli [command]

Available Commands: alias alias related operation config Configure the fcli function function related operation help Help about any command service service related operation service service version related operation shell interactive shell sls_project SLS project related operations sls_store SLS store related operations trigger trigger related operation version fcli version information

Flags: -h, --help help for fcli

Use "fcli [command] --help" for more information about a command. logout Saving session... ...copying shared history... ...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed.
