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where is fbank.cfg? #7

Open cocoakeith opened 6 years ago

cocoakeith commented 6 years ago

When to extract the fbank feature, the fbank.cfg is not in conf dirs, so how can I get it?

shunfeichen commented 6 years ago

In the git: , the example of librispeech

cocoakeith commented 6 years ago

Thanks for quick reply. The dimension of FBK features is 72 in paper, however, in fbank.conf the FBK features is 80. So, which one is better?

cocoakeith commented 6 years ago

Another question, have you compare the TDNN-F[](Semi-Orthogonal Low-Rank Matrix Factorization for Deep Neural Networks) model with DFSMN? The low-rank weight matrix factorization and skip connection are used in both of these two models. These two models are very similar !