Open Kielan opened 6 years ago
GCanvas is not an npm dependency but must be downloaded separately and added to the project XCode style, also GImage is exported as Image, so you will need to rename export or at least be aware of this if you plan to use this dependency.
This continues to show up in some build cases/environments, due to linking between gcanavas and react-native-gcanvas pathes in node_modules
Since Alibaba feat: delete weex bridge & reactive bridge, here comes the @flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas npm package.
After months work, @flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas runs well on Android and iOS, fix several bugs and add feat: support drawImage() from require('some.png') on Android, iOS and Web
described in, refactor with the detailed Example As Usage in
With Performance Test Result, and Convenient With Browser-like canvas APIs with the easily <canvas/>
ported example react-native-particles-bg runs on Android, iOS and Web, @flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas
is the best choice for now :yum:
I have tried to follow the instructions and refer to the example, however I have come across an error using the enable method in componentdidmount. I have a reproduceable repo here.
not sure how to fix it, or if it is a babel err, though I believe my current babel setup is correct. Any feedback greatly appreciated :)