Open yecol opened 2 years ago
These summaries your proposal and the discussion, do you have anything to add? @zhanglei1949
These summaries your proposal and the discussion, do you have anything to add? @zhanglei1949
I think your summary is quite clear, looking good to me.
I have some questions that may need to be clarified,
with another select and add_column
operation, then return the extended graph, (and project to a simple graph? I think this is not necessary as we have hidden the definition of projected-graph from user, and we have a implicit project operation before running app)g1 = hits(g) # results have 2 columns (properties): auth, hub
g2 = sssp(g1) # Cannot project because vertex have 2 properties.
, r:label.prop
Here is a revision proposal of the Python API, to
, by always generating a new graph after an application ran.