alibaba / GraphScope

🔨 🍇 💻 🚀 GraphScope: A One-Stop Large-Scale Graph Computing System from Alibaba | 一站式图计算系统
Apache License 2.0
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[Question] Where is graph.add_vertices() op Execute? #3341

Open JackyYangPassion opened 10 months ago

JackyYangPassion commented 10 months ago

By reading the source code, there are two questions:

Source Code:

# Import the graphscope module
import graphscope
import os
# 单机验证 加载图数据 from HDFS
from graphscope.framework.loader import Loader
from graphscope.client.session import get_default_session

graphscope.set_option(show_log=True)  # enable logging

# 拉起简单的任务
sess = graphscope.session( cluster_type='hosts',
# 客户端向Coordinator 发送RPC请求:创建图并加载图数据
graph = sess.g()

prefix = '/Users/jacky/.graphscope/datasets/ogbn_mag_small'
graph = (
        graph.add_vertices(os.path.join(prefix, "paper.csv"), "paper")


        while not dag_manager.empty():
            run_dag_on, dag, dag_bodies = dag_manager.next_dag()
            error_code = error_codes_pb2.COORDINATOR_INTERNAL_ERROR
            head, bodies = None, None
                # run on analytical engine
                if run_dag_on == GSEngine.analytical_engine:
                    # need dag_bodies to load graph from pandas/numpy
                    error_code = error_codes_pb2.ANALYTICAL_ENGINE_INTERNAL_ERROR
                    head, bodies = self._operation_executor.run_on_analytical_engine(
                        dag, dag_bodies, loader_op_bodies
                # run on interactive engine
                elif run_dag_on == GSEngine.interactive_engine:
                    error_code = error_codes_pb2.INTERACTIVE_ENGINE_INTERNAL_ERROR
                    head, bodies = self._operation_executor.run_on_interactive_engine(
                # run on learning engine
                elif run_dag_on == GSEngine.learning_engine:
                    error_code = error_codes_pb2.LEARNING_ENGINE_INTERNAL_ERROR
                    head, bodies = self._operation_executor.run_on_learning_engine(dag)
                # run on coordinator
                # 加载点边的 OP 是在哪里执行
                elif run_dag_on == GSEngine.coordinator:
                    error_code = error_codes_pb2.COORDINATOR_INTERNAL_ERROR
                    head, bodies = self._operation_executor.run_on_coordinator(
                        dag, dag_bodies, loader_op_bodies
                # merge the responses
siyuan0322 commented 10 months ago
  1. It has been processed in coordinator and fired to GAE in here
  2. You can use the devcontainer with vscode
JackyYangPassion commented 10 months ago

Thanks for your reply!

  1. It has been processed in coordinator and fired to GAE in here
  2. You can use the devcontainer with vscode
JackyYangPassion commented 10 months ago
  1. You can use the devcontainer with vscode

Using devcontainer makes compilation and debugging very convenient.

siyuan0322 commented 10 months ago

Happy to see it helps!