Closed chrisYooh closed 5 years ago
1 Tip I found some more information, perhaps it will do some help to locate the problem.
2 Net structure fragment Our net has a sequence block like this:
3 Crash FLow 3.1 Before [Session::resize() --> iter->prepare()] (iter is a Pipeline)
OpType_Squeeze mInputs[0].mBuffer.dimensions = 4, mOutputs[0].mBuffer.dimensions = 4
OpType_Permute input_dim = 4, output_dim = 4
OpType_Shape input_dim = 4, output_dim = 4
3.2 After [Session::resize() --> iter->prepare()] (iter is a Pipeline) (Every Unit item run SizeComputer::computeOutputSize(mOriginOp, mInputs, mOutputs) in function Pipeline::Unit::prepare(Backend bn, Backend cpuBn))
OpType_Squeeze input_dim = 4, output_dim = 3
OpType_Permute input_dim = 3, output_dim = 3
OpType_Shape input_dim = 3, output_dim = 1
3.3 Dimension fitting error
When operation CPUShape run onExecute, it fit the assert.
ErrorCode CPUShape::onExecute(const std::vector<Tensor*>& inputs, const std::vector<Tensor*>& outputs)
4 Guess
Hope to solve the problem and expect your reply. Thanks very very much. And I will continue debugging it.
pull latest codes plz, the assert have been removed.
Thanks, we have try another way to solve our problem and successed. (That means I will not do some test about the update) So if your team have pass the related test, I think the issue could be closed.
Thanks, we have try another way to solve our problem and successed. (That means I will not do some test about the update) So if your team have pass the related test, I think the issue could be closed.
Hi,Can you show me how you make it work in MNN with your crnn project?
Crash We want to run ocr-detect model(The model use CRNN) with MNN. The convert passed(pytorch->onyx->mnn), but the inference createSession crashed. Could you please give me some suggestion to solve the problem? Thanks.
Model Reference GitHub: ModelFile: models/ WeightFile: trained_models/mixed_second_finetune_acc97p7.pth