alibaba / Sentinel

A powerful flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices. (面向云原生微服务的高可用流控防护组件)
Apache License 2.0
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gateway 进行Dubbo 调用,设置了Route 降级,降级后返回httpstatus 为 200 ,内容为空,而不是设置的返回状态,调整多个设置都无用 #2335

Open boengood opened 2 years ago

boengood commented 2 years ago

Issue Description

通过 Route ID 设置了 降级后,在gatewayFilter 通过dubbo调用 鉴权服务,鉴权服务返回错误后,首次通过接口调用返回状态 500 是正常,但降级后,返回状态是 200 ,字符为空

错误信息,但拦截错误,设置了返回状态也无用: $D Suppressed: reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnAssembly$OnAssemblyException: Error has been observed at the following site(s): | checkpoint ⇢ springfox.boot.starter.autoconfigure.SwaggerUiWebFluxConfiguration$CustomWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain] | checkpoint ⇢ org.springframework.web.cors.reactive.CorsWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain] | checkpoint ⇢ [DefaultWebFilterChain] | checkpoint ⇢ org.springframework.boot.actuate.metrics.web.reactive.server.MetricsWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain] |_ checkpoint ⇢ HTTP GET "/demo/dubbo/echo" [ExceptionHandlingWebHandler] Stack trace:

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如何设置,才能返回我设置的状态 和 内容?或者还有其他解决方案吗?

boengood commented 2 years ago

简单说,就是配置了限流后,如果没有进入spring boot 服务,直接gateway 返回了,就会导致 返回为空的问题

kiritoowo commented 2 years ago
