alibaba / Tangram-Android

Tangram is a modular UI solution for building native page dynamically including Tangram for Android, Tangram for iOS and even backend CMS. This project provides the sdk on Android.
MIT License
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结合VirtualView 的Scrooler实现横向可滑动的列表, 使用engine.addCardLoadSupport加载数据却是竖直排列的,但是直接在data.json中写,又是横向排列的。 #180

Open hhgRepertory opened 5 years ago

hhgRepertory commented 5 years ago

{ "type": "container-scroll", "header": { "type": "BLXHeader1", "style": { "margin": [ 0, 0, 8, 0 ] }, "title": "每日领券", "subhead": "每日领券,优惠领不停", "text_more": "查看更多", "icon_go_right": "" }, "load": "", "loadType": "-1", "style": { "pageRatio": 1, "pageWidth": "400rp", "pageHeight": "140rp", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "scrollMarginLeft": "0", "itemRatio": "2.2", "scrollMarginRight": "0", "hGap": "8", "margin": [ 8, 8, 0, 8 ], "padding": [ 8, 8, 8, 8 ] }, "items": [ { "type": "BLXCouponItem", "titleText": "¥30代金券", "titleTextColor": "#333333", "titleTextSize": "26rp", "subText": "限定生活缴费(水.电)使用", "subTextColor": "#666666", "subTextSize": "18rp" }, { "type": "BLXCouponItem", "titleText": "¥100火锅抵用券", "titleTextColor": "#333333", "titleTextSize": "26rp", "subText": "限定商家使用", "subTextColor": "#666666", "subTextSize": "18rp" }, { "type": "BLXCouponItem", "titleText": "¥5购物券", "titleTextColor": "#333333", "titleTextSize": "26rp", "subText": "限红旗连锁使用", "subTextColor": "#666666", "subTextSize": "18rp" } ] }

Zengyonghao commented 4 years ago

我也遇到了这个问题 走了一遍debug 没有item的情况下 banner压根没有创建viewpager 异步设置banner以后 viewholder也是直接创建的item的viewholder 并没有去创建viewpager的holder

Zengyonghao commented 4 years ago

目前我只能获取到bannerItem之后 再生成card进行一次性的插入