alibaba / async_simple

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co_await async_simple::coro::sleep() question #344

Closed HuberyFok closed 10 months ago

HuberyFok commented 12 months ago

Search before asking

What happened + What you expected to happen

when i use co_await async_simple::coro::sleep(),will brock the thread, all the coroutine is stop; when add async_simple::executors::SimpleExecutor to sleep, it will use new thread;

the sleep() should be like golang time.Sleep(),use coroutine anywhere and do not create a new thread, i think you can use aiso timer to fix it.

Reproduction way

Anything else

Are you willing to submit a PR?

ChuanqiXu9 commented 12 months ago

The behavior of coro::sleep depends on the behavior of executors. Concretely, it depends on the implementation of Executor::after(std::chrono::duration<T,U>). And it is the general idea of async_simple to make the behavior configurable with the executors.

4kangjc commented 12 months ago

SimpleExecutor is just an Executor for testing. It is not part of libasync_simple. You need to define your own Executor.

RainMark commented 12 months ago

We use SimpleExecutor + brpc TimerThread for production currently. This is an example of custom coroutine sleep.

class BGExecutor : public async_simple::executors::SimpleExecutor {
  static StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<BGExecutor>> NewBGExecutor(
      size_t thread_num) noexcept {
    auto ptr = std::make_unique<BGExecutor>(thread_num);
    auto s = ptr->Init();
    if (!s.ok()) {
      return s;
    return ptr;

  ~BGExecutor() override = default;

  static void TimerTaskFn(void* arg) {
    auto fptr = std::unique_ptr<std::function<void()>>(

  BGExecutor(size_t thread_num)
      : async_simple::executors::SimpleExecutor(thread_num) {}

  Status Init() {
    bthread::TimerThreadOptions options;
    const int rc = timer_.start(&options);
    // rc != 0 when pthread create failed
    // CHECK_IF_RET(rc == 0, Status::Err(),
    //                 "Init BGExecutor. start timer failed : {}. ", rc);
    return Status::OK();

  void schedule(Func func, Duration dur) override {
    async_simple::Executor::Context ctx = checkout();
    auto fptr = std::make_unique<std::function<void()>>(
        [this, ctx, func = std::move(func)]() {
          checkin(func, ctx, async_simple::ScheduleOptions{});
    const auto sec = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(dur);
    auto ts = timespec{
        .tv_sec = sec.count(),
        .tv_nsec =
            std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(dur - sec)
    auto* args = fptr.release();
    auto task_id = timer_.schedule(TimerTaskFn, args, ts);
    if (unlikely(task_id == bthread::TimerThread::INVALID_TASK_ID)) {
      // BG3_ERROR("schedule timer task failed");

  bthread::TimerThread timer_;
ChuanqiXu9 commented 10 months ago

Closed due to no more questions. Feel free to require to reopen this.