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Cloud Kernel - an open-source Linux kernel originated by Alibaba Operating System Team
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[SoC2020] PostgreSQL: add io_uring support #9

Open josephhz opened 4 years ago

josephhz commented 4 years ago

项目名称/Project Title

PostgreSQL: 增加 io_uring 支持 PostgreSQL: add io_uring support

项目描述/Project Description

PostgreSQL 是一款强大的开源对象-关系数据库服务器(ORDBMS),特点是可靠,特性健壮以及高性能,且支持跨平台。PostgreSQL 的 Slogan 是“世界上最先进的开源关系型数据库”,其官网链接:

本项目计划在 PostgreSQL 中增加对 io_uring 的支持,以优化异步 io 模型的性能,目前社区也有在做这方面的尝试。参考资料:

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance. It supports running corss-platform. The slogan of PostgreSQL is "The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database", as seen on the offical website is

This project wants to add io_uring support for PostgreSQL, to achieve better performance by using asynchronous io. Now community already has similar attempt, for more details please refer

预期成果/Expected Outcomes

需要的技能/Required Skills

deepanshu1422 commented 4 years ago

@casparant @josephhz Sir, I would like to work upon this issue #9

josephhz commented 4 years ago

Thanks for taking interest on this project. Please apply it via our official website, which I described in the reply email.

deepanshu1422 commented 4 years ago

@josephhz Thanks for your help and resolving the issues, I have submitted the same through the official form :)

josephhz commented 4 years ago

@josephhz Thanks for your help and resolving the issues, I have submitted the same through the official form :) You are welcome. Will announce the selected proposal according to timeline.