alibaba / freeline

A super fast build tool for Android, an alternative to Instant Run
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增量编译失败! #965

Closed xiaweizi closed 6 years ago

xiaweizi commented 6 years ago


全量编译是ok的,增量编译就直接报KeyError: 'databinding_compiler_jar'这个错,请问这是为什么?

xiaweizi commented 6 years ago

[DEBUG] [dispatcher] command line args: Namespace(all=False, clean=False, cleanBuild=False, debug=True, version=False, wait=False) [DEBUG] [dispatcher] Android Gradle Plugin Version: 3.0.1 [DEBUG] [dispatcher] Freeline Gradle Plugin Version: 0.8.7 [DEBUG] [dispatcher] *** Freeline Python Version: v0.8.7 [DEBUG] [scan_changed_files_command] find /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/src/org/sojex/finance/ has modification. [DEBUG] [scan_changed_files_command] find /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/src/org/sojex/finance/view/ has modification. [DEBUG] find cyberPay_Plugin has 0 java files modified. [DEBUG] find lib.tcp has 0 java files modified. [DEBUG] find ijkplayerlibrary has 0 java files modified. [DEBUG] find x86solibrary has 0 java files modified. [DEBUG] find CoreChart has 0 java files modified. [DEBUG] find FinanceQuotes_New has 2 java files modified. [DEBUG] find camera has 0 java files modified. [DEBUG] find has 0 java files modified. [DEBUG] find moduleIM has 0 java files modified. [DEBUG] find lib.component has 0 java files modified. [DEBUG] find lib.middleware has 0 java files modified. [DEBUG] project just need a incremental build. [DEBUG] file changed list: { "stat_md5": {}, "build_info": { "last_clean_build_time": 1521010368.4575026, "is_root_config_changed": false }, "projects": { "cyberPay_Plugin": { "src": [], "so": [], "assets": [], "libs": [], "res": [], "config": [], "cpp": [], "manifest": [] }, "lib.tcp": { "src": [], "so": [], "assets": [], "libs": [], "res": [], "config": [], "cpp": [], "manifest": [] }, "ijkplayerlibrary": { "src": [], "so": [], "assets": [], "libs": [], "res": [], "config": [], "cpp": [], "manifest": [] }, "x86solibrary": { "src": [], "so": [], "assets": [], "libs": [], "res": [], "config": [], "cpp": [], "manifest": [] }, "CoreChart": { "src": [], "so": [], "assets": [], "libs": [], "res": [], "config": [], "cpp": [], "manifest": [] }, "FinanceQuotes_New": { "src": [ "/Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/src/org/sojex/finance/", "/Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/src/org/sojex/finance/view/" ], "so": [], "assets": [], "libs": [], "res": [], "config": [], "cpp": [], "manifest": [] }, "camera": { "src": [], "so": [], "assets": [], "libs": [], "res": [], "config": [], "cpp": [], "manifest": [] }, "": { "src": [], "so": [], "assets": [], "libs": [], "res": [], "config": [], "cpp": [], "manifest": [] }, "moduleIM": { "src": [], "so": [], "assets": [], "libs": [], "res": [], "config": [], "cpp": [], "manifest": [] }, "lib.component": { "src": [], "so": [], "assets": [], "libs": [], "res": [], "config": [], "cpp": [], "manifest": [] }, "lib.middleware": { "src": [], "so": [], "assets": [], "libs": [], "res": [], "config": [], "cpp": [], "manifest": [] } } } [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 1, task: [connect_device_task] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 1, task: [gradle_aapt_task] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [cyberPay_Plugin] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [ijkplayerlibrary] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [x86solibrary] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [CoreChart] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [camera] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [lib.component] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 4, task: [lib.middleware] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 5, task: [lib.tcp] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 5, task: [moduleIM] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 12, task: [FinanceQuotes_New] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 13, task: [merge_dex_task] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 15, task: [gradle_sync_task] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 16, task: [clean_cache_task] [DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 17, task: [update_stat_task] [DEBUG] [connect_device_task] connect_device_task start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [gradle_aapt_task] gradle_aapt_task start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [sync_client] start to connect device... [DEBUG] [gradle_aapt_task] no need to execute [DEBUG] [gradle_aapt_task] gradle_aapt_task finish in 0.0s [DEBUG] [sync_client] apktime path: /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/build/freeline/freeline-assets/apktime [DEBUG] [ijkplayerlibrary] ijkplayerlibrary start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [cyberPay_Plugin] cyberPay_Plugin start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [CoreChart] CoreChart start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [x86solibrary] x86solibrary start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [camera] camera start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [sync_client] your local sync value is: 423803 [DEBUG] [sync_client] your local uuid value is: 423803 [DEBUG] [CoreChart_inc_invoker] CoreChart old path: None [DEBUG] [CoreChart_inc_invoker] CoreChart new path: None [DEBUG] [CoreChart_inc_invoker] src changed files: [DEBUG] [CoreChart_inc_invoker] [] [DEBUG] [cyberPay_Plugin_inc_invoker] cyberPay_Plugin old path: /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/cyberPay_Plugin/build/generated/source/r/androidTest/debug/com/citicbank/cbframework/ [DEBUG] [camera_inc_invoker] camera old path: /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/camera/build/generated/source/r/androidTest/debug/com/gkoudai/camera/ [DEBUG] [CoreChart_inc_invoker] CoreChart project has no change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [CoreChart_inc_invoker] CoreChart code only change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [CoreChart_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [ijkplayerlibrary_inc_invoker] ijkplayerlibrary old path: /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/ijkplayerlibrary/build/generated/source/r/androidTest/debug/com/gkoudai/ijkplayerlibrary/ [DEBUG] [x86solibrary_inc_invoker] x86solibrary old path: /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/x86solibrary/build/generated/source/r/androidTest/debug/com/gkoudai/x86solibrary/ [DEBUG] [CoreChart_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [CoreChart] CoreChart finish in 0.0s [DEBUG] [] start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [cyberPay_Plugin_inc_invoker] cyberPay_Plugin new path: None [DEBUG] [camera_inc_invoker] camera new path: None [DEBUG] [ijkplayerlibrary_inc_invoker] ijkplayerlibrary new path: None [DEBUG] [ijkplayerlibrary_inc_invoker] src changed files: [DEBUG] [ijkplayerlibrary_inc_invoker] [] [DEBUG] [ijkplayerlibrary_inc_invoker] ijkplayerlibrary project has no change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [ijkplayerlibrary_inc_invoker] ijkplayerlibrary code only change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [cyberPay_Plugin_inc_invoker] src changed files: [DEBUG] [ijkplayerlibrary_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [cyberPay_Plugin_inc_invoker] [] [DEBUG] [x86solibrary_inc_invoker] x86solibrary new path: None [DEBUG] [camera_inc_invoker] src changed files: [DEBUG] [lib.net_inc_invoker] old path: None [DEBUG] [cyberPay_Plugin_inc_invoker] cyberPay_Plugin project has no change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [camera_inc_invoker] [] [DEBUG] [x86solibrary_inc_invoker] src changed files: [DEBUG] [ijkplayerlibrary_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [cyberPay_Plugin_inc_invoker] cyberPay_Plugin code only change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [camera_inc_invoker] camera project has no change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [camera_inc_invoker] camera code only change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [cyberPay_Plugin_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [ijkplayerlibrary] ijkplayerlibrary finish in 0.0s [DEBUG] [x86solibrary_inc_invoker] [] [DEBUG] [camera_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [x86solibrary_inc_invoker] x86solibrary project has no change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [lib.net_inc_invoker] new path: None [DEBUG] [x86solibrary_inc_invoker] x86solibrary code only change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [cyberPay_Plugin_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [lib.component] lib.component start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [lib.net_inc_invoker] src changed files: [DEBUG] [cyberPay_Plugin] cyberPay_Plugin finish in 0.0s [DEBUG] [x86solibrary_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [camera_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [lib.net_inc_invoker] [] [DEBUG] [camera] camera finish in 0.0s [DEBUG] [lib.net_inc_invoker] project has no change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [x86solibrary_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [lib.net_inc_invoker] code only change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [x86solibrary] x86solibrary finish in 0.0s [DEBUG] [lib.net_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [lib.net_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [] finish in 0.0s [DEBUG] [lib.component_inc_invoker] lib.component old path: /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/lib.component/build/generated/source/r/androidTest/debug/com/gkoudai/component/ [DEBUG] [lib.component_inc_invoker] lib.component new path: None [DEBUG] [lib.component_inc_invoker] src changed files: [DEBUG] [lib.component_inc_invoker] [] [DEBUG] [lib.component_inc_invoker] lib.component project has no change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [lib.component_inc_invoker] lib.component code only change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [lib.component_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [lib.component_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [lib.component] lib.component finish in 0.0s [DEBUG] [lib.middleware] lib.middleware start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [lib.middleware_inc_invoker] lib.middleware old path: /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/lib.middleware/build/generated/source/r/debug/com/gkoudai/middleware/ [DEBUG] [lib.middleware_inc_invoker] lib.middleware new path: None [DEBUG] [lib.middleware_inc_invoker] src changed files: [DEBUG] [lib.middleware_inc_invoker] [] [DEBUG] [lib.middleware_inc_invoker] lib.middleware project has no change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [lib.middleware_inc_invoker] lib.middleware code only change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [lib.middleware_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [lib.middleware_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [lib.middleware] lib.middleware finish in 0.0s [DEBUG] [lib.tcp] lib.tcp start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [moduleIM] moduleIM start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [lib.tcp_inc_invoker] lib.tcp old path: /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/lib.tcp/build/generated/source/r/release/com/sojex/tcpservice/ [DEBUG] [moduleIM_inc_invoker] moduleIM old path: /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/moduleIM/build/generated/source/r/androidTest/debug/org/sojex/easyUI/ [DEBUG] [lib.tcp_inc_invoker] lib.tcp new path: None [DEBUG] [moduleIM_inc_invoker] moduleIM new path: None [DEBUG] [lib.tcp_inc_invoker] src changed files: [DEBUG] [lib.tcp_inc_invoker] [] [DEBUG] [lib.tcp_inc_invoker] lib.tcp project has no change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [lib.tcp_inc_invoker] lib.tcp code only change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [lib.tcp_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [lib.tcp_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [lib.tcp] lib.tcp finish in 0.0s [DEBUG] [moduleIM_inc_invoker] src changed files: [DEBUG] [moduleIM_inc_invoker] [] [DEBUG] [moduleIM_inc_invoker] moduleIM project has no change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [moduleIM_inc_invoker] moduleIM code only change, need not go ahead [DEBUG] [moduleIM_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [moduleIM_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute [DEBUG] [moduleIM] moduleIM finish in 0.0s [DEBUG] [FinanceQuotes_New] FinanceQuotes_New start to run after waiting 0.0s [DEBUG] [FinanceQuotes_New_inc_invoker] FinanceQuotes_New old path: /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/build/generated/source/r/debug/org/sojex/finance/ [DEBUG] [FinanceQuotes_New_inc_invoker] FinanceQuotes_New new path: /Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/build/freeline/FinanceQuotes_New/backup/org/sojex/finance/ [DEBUG] [sync_client] server result is 1 [DEBUG] [FinanceQuotes_New_inc_invoker] find changed (md5 value is different from origin [DEBUG] [FinanceQuotes_New_inc_invoker] src changed files: [DEBUG] [FinanceQuotes_New_inc_invoker] [u'/Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/src/org/sojex/finance/', u'/Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/src/org/sojex/finance/view/', u'/Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/build/freeline/FinanceQuotes_New/backup/org/sojex/finance/'] [DEBUG] [FinanceQuotes_New_inc_invoker] find modified in src list [DEBUG] [FinanceQuotes_New_inc_javac_compile] start to execute javac command... [DEBUG] [FinanceQuotes_New] FinanceQuotes_New finish in 0.1s [DEBUG] [merge_dex_task] merge_dex_task start to run after waiting 0.1s [DEBUG] [sync_client] find device port: 41128 [DEBUG] [connect_device_task] connect_device_task finish in 0.2s [DEBUG] [gradle_sync_task] gradle_sync_task start to run after waiting 0.2s [DEBUG] [clean_cache_task] clean_cache_task start to run after waiting 0.2s [DEBUG] [update_stat_task] update_stat_task start to run after waiting 0.2s [DEBUG] [task_engine] task engine occurs exception, engine will exit. [DEBUG] [task_engine] task engine occurs exception, engine will exit. [DEBUG] [task_engine] it takes task engine 0.22s to execute tasks. [DEBUG] [task_engine] it takes task engine 0.22s to execute tasks. [ERROR] -------------------------------------------------------- [ERROR] Freeline ERROR [ERROR] -------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/freeline/freeline_core/", line 344, in execute self._command.execute() File "/Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/freeline/freeline_core/", line 186, in execute map(lambda command: command.execute(), self.command_list) File "/Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/freeline/freeline_core/", line 186, in map(lambda command: command.execute(), self.command_list) File "/Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/freeline/freeline_core/", line 222, in execute self._invoker.fill_extra_javac_args() File "/Users/xiaweizi/AndroidStudioProjects/FinanceQuotes_New/freeline/freeline_core/", line 576, in fill_extra_javac_args if self._config['databinding_compiler_jar'] != '': KeyError: 'databinding_compiler_jar'

[ERROR] -------------------------------------------------------- [ERROR] incremental build task failed. [ERROR] -------------------------------------------------------- [DEBUG] Prepare tasks time: 0.4s [DEBUG] Task engine running time: 0.2s [DEBUG] Total time: 0.6s [DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------------