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If you are reporting any crash or any potential security issue, do not open an issue in this repo. Please report the issue via ASRC(Alibaba Security Response Center) where the issue will be triaged appropriately.
Ⅰ. Issue Description
我把https://higress.cn/docs/ebook/wasm14/ 这里的一个easy-logger的wasm代码进行了一次本地环境的测试 插件中实现了onHttpRequestHeaders,onHttpRequestBody,onHttpResponseHeaders,onHttpResponseBody四个方法 但是我观察一个请求过去后 只有三个方法输出了日志onHttpRequestHeaders onHttpResponseHeaders onHttpResponseBody onHttpRequestBody 并没有输出日志 看起来像是没有被调用
Ⅱ. Describe what happened
Ⅳ. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)
tinygo build -o main.wasm -scheduler=none -target=wasi -gc=custom -tags="custommalloc nottinygc_finalizer" ./
Ⅵ. Environment: