alibaba / hooks

A high-quality & reliable React Hooks library.
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useUrlState to use react-router-dom instead of react-router #1725

Open adguy360 opened 2 years ago

adguy360 commented 2 years ago

Hi Team,

Could you please update useUrlState to use react-router-dom instead of react-router please? here This is both the recommended approach by the react-router package but also causing consumptions issues for micro frontends consuming useUrlState when under a shared react-router-dom instance.

I would have contributed this myself but I'm not keen on signing your Contributor License Agreement :) and this should also be an easy fix for you.


brickspert commented 2 years ago

react-router-dom only work on web.

but react-router can work on react-native~

w3nda commented 2 years ago

@brickspert in our case, we use ModuleFederation to share dependencies. and we are sharing and using react-router-dom.

Our remotes depend on our Router that is used from react-router-dom, but when they try to use this package, it fails for them since you use react-router and the internal context/state is not the same.

Can you please advice on why we can't have both?

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Hello @adguy360. We totally like your proposal/feedback, welcome to send us a Pull Request for it. Please send your Pull Request to proper branch (feature branch for the new feature, master for bugfix and other changes), fill the Pull Request Template here, provide changelog/TypeScript/documentation/test cases if needed and make sure CI passed, we will review it soon. We appreciate your effort in advance and looking forward to your contribution!

你好 @adguy360,我们完全同意你的提议/反馈,欢迎直接在此仓库 创建一个 Pull Request 来解决这个问题。请将 Pull Request 发到正确的分支(新特性发到 feature 分支,其他发到 master 分支),务必填写 Pull Request 内的预设模板,提供改动所需相应的 changelog、TypeScript 定义、测试用例、文档等,并确保 CI 通过,我们会尽快进行 Review,提前感谢和期待您的贡献。
