alibaba / lowcode-engine

An enterprise-class low-code technology stack with scale-out design / 一套面向扩展设计的企业级低代码技术体系
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画布中,fusion的Shell.Navigation在Shell中不显示 #1169

Open hu2013 opened 2 years ago

hu2013 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug (required) / 详细描述 bug(必填)


To Reproduce (required) / 如何复现 bug?(必填,非常重要)


  1. 修改lowcode-demo下basic-fusion的assets.json, 在Components下添加fusion的Shell和Shell.Navigation, 在componentList下也加上这两个组件
  2. npm start 启动demo
  3. 在浏览器打开demo,并切换到basic-fusion场景
  4. 拖拽Shell到画布,并在样式里把高度设置为100 (问题1:Shell中间没有其他容器类似的“拖拽组件或模板到这里”的提示)
  5. 拖拽Shell.Navigation到画布,此时Shell.Navigation在画布上显示正常
  6. 在画布中,拖拽Shell.Navigation到Shell中(或者,大纲树中,把Shell.Navigation拖拽到Shell节点下)
  7. 画布中找不到Shell.Navigation,没有显示在Shell里 (问题2:画布中,为什么Shell.Navigation不显示在Shell上)
  8. 预览画布,可以看到Shell.Navigation加到Shell里的正常效果

Expected behavior (required) / 预期行为(必填,非常重要)

A clear and concise description of what did you expect to happen. / 请清晰和精确的描述你预期的行为

第4步:Shell中有包含“拖拽组件或模板到这里”的提示 第7步:Shell.Navigation如果拖拽到Shell中,可以在画布中可视化编辑

Screenshots (optional) / bug 截图(可选)

Sceenshots for further information. (If applicable.) / 一些有用的截图将会帮助我们更好的明确以及定位问题

Environments (please complete the following information) (required): / 请提供如下信息(必填)

Additional context (optional) / 更多额外信息(可选)

Any other context of the problem here. / 可以追加更多的额外信息,帮助定位问题

assets.json 中添加的Shell和Shell.Navigation信息

"components": [ { "componentName": "Shell", "title": "Shell", "docUrl": "", "screenshot": "", "npm": { "package": "@alifd/next", "version": "1.23.x", "exportName": "Shell", "main": "", "destructuring": true, "subName": "" }, "props": [ { "name": "className", "propType": "string" }, { "name": "style", "propType": "object" }, { "name": "device", "title": { "label": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "标题", "en_US": "Title" }, "tip": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "属性: shell | 说明: Shell", "en_US": "prop: shell | description: Shell" } }, "propType": { "type": "oneOf", "value": ["phone", "tablet", "desktop"] }, "description": "设备", "defaultValue": "desktop" }, { "name": "type", "title": { "label": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "类型", "en_US": "Type" }, "tip": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "属性: type | 说明: 反馈类型", "en_US": "prop: type | description: message type" } }, "propType": { "type": "oneOf", "value": ["light", "dark", "brand"] }, "description": "主题", "defaultValue": "light" }, { "name": "fixedHeader", "title": { "label": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "是否固定Header", "en_US": "Fix Header" }, "tip": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "属性: fixedHeader | 说明: 是否锁定Header", "en_US": "prop: fixedHeader | description: fixedHeader" } }, "propType": "bool", "description": "是否锁定Header" } ], "configure": { "component": { "isContainer": true } }, "category": "布局" }, { "componentName": "Shell.Navigation", "title": "Navigation", "docUrl": "", "screenshot": "", "npm": { "package": "@alifd/next", "version": "1.23.x", "exportName": "Shell", "main": "", "destructuring": true, "subName": "Navigation" }, "props": [ { "name": "className", "propType": "string" }, { "name": "style", "propType": "object" }, { "name": "direction", "title": { "label": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "类型", "en_US": "direction" }, "tip": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "属性: direction | 说明: 反馈类型", "en_US": "prop: direction | description: direction" } }, "propType": { "type": "oneOf", "value": ["hoz", "ver"] }, "description": "方向", "defaultValue": "hoz" }, { "name": "collapse", "title": { "label": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "折叠", "en_US": "collapse" }, "tip": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "属性: 折叠 | 说明: 是否折叠", "en_US": "prop: collapse | description: collapse" } }, "propType": "bool", "description": "是否折叠" }, { "name": "align", "title": { "label": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "对齐", "en_US": "Align" }, "tip": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "属性: 对齐 | 说明: 对齐方式", "en_US": "prop: Align | description: Align" } }, "propType": { "type": "oneOf", "value": ["left", "right", "center"] }, "description": "对齐", "defaultValue": "right" }, { "name": "fixed", "title": { "label": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "固定", "en_US": "fixed" }, "tip": { "type": "i18n", "zh_CN": "属性: 固定 | 说明: 是否固定", "en_US": "prop: fixed | description: fixed" } }, "propType": "bool", "description": "是否固定" }

"configure": {
  "component": {
    "isContainer": true
"category": "布局"

} ],

"componentList": [ { "componentName": "Shell", "library": "Next", "title": "Shell", "icon": "", "snippets": [ { "title": "Shell", "screenshot": "", "schema": { "componentName": "Shell", "props": { "device": "desktop", "type": "light", "fixedHeader": true } } } ] }, { "componentName": "Shell.Navigation", "library": "Next", "title": "Navigation", "icon": "", "snippets": [ { "title": "Navigation", "screenshot": "", "schema": { "componentName": "Shell.Navigation", "props": { "direction": "hoz", "collapse": false, "align": "right", "fixed": false } } } ] } ]

liujuping commented 2 years ago




需要提供一个更方便复现的 DEMO,参考:

hu2013 commented 2 years ago

问题1:Shell.Navigation也是容器,但是在样式里设置高度后,“拖拽组件或模板到这里”的提示还在 问题2:能不能把我提供的assets.json里的配置,放到demo的basic-fusion的assets.json里试一下,或者,给我提供一个没问题的Shell,Shell.Navigation的配置也可以,谢谢!

hu2013 commented 2 years ago

@liujuping 能不能帮我看下这个问题呀

补充一个信息,在画布中把Shell.Navigation拖入Shell中后,控制台会打印以下提示: mobx.esm.js:4251

   [mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index (0) that is out of bounds (0). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX

e @ mobx.esm.js:4251 e @ mobx.esm.js:3961 e @ host.ts:877 Ln @ insertion.tsx:82 In @ insertion.tsx:105 e @ insertion.tsx:131 en @ mobx.esm.js:1334 (匿名) @ mobxreact.esm.js:312 mn @ mobx.esm.js:1953 e @ mobx.esm.js:2545 u @ mobxreact.esm.js:310 Ie @ react-dom.production.min.js:104 rh @ react-dom.production.min.js:103 zj @ react-dom.production.min.js:228 Th @ react-dom.production.min.js:152 tj @ react-dom.production.min.js:152 Te @ react-dom.production.min.js:146 (匿名) @ react-dom.production.min.js:61 unstable_runWithPriority @ react.production.min.js:25 Da @ react-dom.production.min.js:60 Pg @ react-dom.production.min.js:61 ha @ react-dom.production.min.js:60 Qh @ react-dom.production.min.js:147 n @ mobx.esm.js:2692 Qn @ mobx.esm.js:2661 Gn @ mobx.esm.js:2281 e @ mobx.esm.js:508 e @ mobx.esm.js:1458 e @ mobx.esm.js:5390 t @ mobx.esm.js:5947 e @ renderer.ts:508 (匿名) @ leaf.js:61 (匿名) @ control.ts:28 e @ events.js:153 e @ node-children.ts:125 e @ node.ts:340 e @ node-children.ts:213 G @ node.ts:1286 z @ node.ts:1302 (匿名) @ designer.ts:125 e @ events.js:158 e @ dragon.ts:470

[mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index (0) that is out of bounds (0). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX e @ mobx.esm.js:4251 e @ mobx.esm.js:3961 e @ host.ts:1002 (匿名) @ designer.ts:177 e @ events.js:158 e @ active-tracker.ts:23 (匿名) @ designer.ts:137 setTimeout(异步) (匿名) @ designer.ts:137 e @ events.js:158 e @ dragon.ts:470

liujuping commented 2 years ago
