alibaba / macaca

Automation solution for multi-platform. 多端自动化解决方案
MIT License
3.16k stars 418 forks source link

ios14.2,xcode12.2,运行iOS自动化测试报错[XCTestDriver sharedTestDriver]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x100672ed8' #994

Open crazymanpj opened 3 years ago

crazymanpj commented 3 years ago

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 t = 24.93s Find the "username" TextField

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 t = 24.96s Find the "username" TextField

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 t = 24.98s Tap "username" TextField

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 t = 24.99s Wait for to idle

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 2021-03-24 11:38:25.824228+0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner[5444:150994] [XCTestWDUITests-Runner] findWriterForTypeAndAlternateType:119: unsupported file format 'public.heic'

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 2021-03-24 11:38:25.824416+0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner[5444:150994] [XCTestWDUITests-Runner] findWriterForTypeAndAlternateType:119: unsupported file format 'public.heic'

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 t = 25.04s Find the "username" TextField

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 t = 25.07s Check for interrupting elements affecting "username" TextField

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 t = 25.10s Synthesize event

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 2021-03-24 11:38:25.935001+0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner[5444:150994] [XCTestWDUITests-Runner] findWriterForTypeAndAlternateType:119: unsupported file format 'public.heic'

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 2021-03-24 11:38:25.935185+0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner[5444:150994] [XCTestWDUITests-Runner] findWriterForTypeAndAlternateType:119: unsupported file format 'public.heic'

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 t = 25.21s Wait for to idle

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 2021-03-24 11:38:26.054801+0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner[5444:150994] [XCTestWDUITests-Runner] findWriterForTypeAndAlternateType:119: unsupported file format 'public.heic' 2021-03-24 11:38:26.054985+0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner[5444:150994] [XCTestWDUITests-Runner] findWriterForTypeAndAlternateType:119: unsupported file format 'public.heic'

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 t = 25.37s Find the "username" TextField

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 2021-03-24 11:38:26:213 XCTestWDUITests-Runner[5444:150994] XCTestWD-Debug-Info: dismiss keyboard while aborting setValue, element does not have focus

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 2021-03-24 11:38:26.213280+0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner[5444:151045] XCTestWD-Debug-Info: dismiss keyboard while aborting setValue, element does not have focus 2021-03-24 11:38:26.213761+0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner[5444:150994] +[XCTestDriver sharedTestDriver]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x100672ed8

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 2021-03-24 11:38:26.214811+0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner[5444:150994] Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+[XCTestDriver sharedTestDriver]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x100672ed8' First throw call stack: (0x1b00d99d4 0x1c3a8ab54 0x1affee060 0x1b00dc018 0x1b00ddf8c 0x102bdbf98 0x1afd12280 0x1afcb62f4 0x102bdbea4 0x102bf4714 0x102beb170 0x102bea204 0x102be50dc 0x102be2000 0x102bdf3fc 0x102bdefb0 0x102bdf008 0x1afd12280 0x1afcc1c5c 0x1afd12280 0x1afcc105c 0x1b00595d0 0x1b0053a78 0x1b0052b90 0x1b12707f8 0x1b12a1964 0x102be0478 0x102a41dfc 0x102a41e70 0x1b00de130 0x1affc11c0 0x100549b60 0x100549b10 0x1005bd9f8 0x1005539bc 0x100549990 0x1005a1d48 0x100549478 0x10054ae88 0x1005a1d48 0x10054adc0 0x1005b5678 0x10054a688 0x10058dc24 0x10054411c 0x100543a28 0x1005b5678 0x1005b5588 0x1005439d0 0x100543cf8 0x10058dc24 0x10054411c 0x100543a28 0x1005b5678 0x1005b5588 0x1005439d0 0x100543cf8 0x10058dc24 0x10054411c 0x100543a28 0x1005b5678 0x1005b5588 0x1005439d0 0x100543cf8 0x10058dc24 0x1005c930c 0x1005b5678 0x1005b5588 0x1005c9260 0x1005c9408 0x10055e03c 0x1005c9030 0x100528bb8 0x1005b177c 0x100511674 0x100511658 0x1b0059940 0x1b0058bc8 0x1b00533e4 0x1b0052b90 0x1c6375598 0x1b293c638 0x1b2941bb8 0x100511840 0x1afd31588)

xctest-client.js:206:16 [master] pid:79162 libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

proxy.js:63:22 [master] pid:79162 xctest client proxy error with: Error: socket hang up

macaca-bot commented 3 years ago

This is the translated issue:

iOS14.2, Xcode12.2, run iOS automation test error [xctestdriver sharedtestdriver]: unrecognized selector Sent to class 0x100672ed8 '

iOS14.2 version of iPhone, Xcode12.2 environment, run iOS automation test error [xctestDriver sharedtestdriver]: unrecognized selector Sent to class 0x100672ed8 ', the specific execution is performed to send_keys this API The detailed Server log is as follows:

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 T = 24.90s Find The "Username" TextField

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 T = 24.93S Find The "Username" TextField

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 T = 24.96s Find The "Username" TextField

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 T = 24.98s TAP "Username" TextField

XCTEST-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 T = 24.99s Wait for com.kingsoft.www.Office.wpsoffice.debug to id

xctest-client.js: 206: 16 [master] pid: 79162 2021-03-24 11: 38: 25.824228 + 0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner [5444: 150994] [XCTestWDUITests-Runner] findWriterForTypeAndAlternateType: 119: unsupported file format ' Public.heic '

xctest-client.js: 206: 16 [master] pid: 79162 2021-03-24 11: 38: 25.824416 + 0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner [5444: 150994] [XCTestWDUITests-Runner] findWriterForTypeAndAlternateType: 119: unsupported file format ' Public.heic '

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 T = 25.04s Find The "Username" TextField

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 T = 25.07S Check for Interrupting Elements Affecting "UserName" TextField

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 T = 25.10S Synthesize Event

xctest-client.js: 206: 16 [master] pid: 79162 2021-03-24 11: 38: 25.935001 + 0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner [5444: 150994] [XCTestWDUITests-Runner] findWriterForTypeAndAlternateType: 119: unsupported file format ' Public.heic '

xctest-client.js: 206: 16 [master] pid: 79162 2021-03-24 11: 38: 25.935185 + 0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner [5444: 150994] [XCTestWDUITests-Runner] findWriterForTypeAndAlternateType: 119: unsupported file format ' Public.heic '

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 T = 25.21s Wait for to id

xctest-client.js: 206: 16 [master] pid: 79162 2021-03-24 11: 38: 26.054801 + 0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner [5444: 150994] [XCTestWDUITests-Runner] findWriterForTypeAndAlternateType: 119: unsupported file format ' Public.heic ' 2021-03-24 11: 38: 26.054985 + 0800 Xctestwduitests-Runner [5444: 150994] FindwriterfortypeandalternateType: 119: unsupported file format 'public.heic'

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 T = 25.37S Find The "Username" TextField

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 2021-03-24 11: 38: 26: 213 xctestwduitests-Runner [5444: 150994] xctestwd-debug-info: Dismiss Keyboard While Aborting SetValue, Element Does Not Have Focus

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 2021-03-24 11: 38: 26.213280 + 0800 Xctestwduitests-Runner [5444: 151045] xctestwd-debug-info: Dismiss Keyboard While Aborting SetValue, Element Does Not Have Focus 2021-03-24 11: 38: 26.213761 + 0800 xctestwduitests-runner [5444: 150994] + [xctestdriver sharedtestdriver]: unrecognized selector Sent to class 0x100672ed8

xctest-client.js: 206: 16 [master] pid: 79162 2021-03-24 11: 38: 26.214811 + 0800 XCTestWDUITests-Runner [5444: 150994] Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', Reason: '+ [XctestDriver SharedTestDriver]: unrecognized selector Sent to class 0x100672ed8' First Throw Call Stack: (0x1b00d99d4 0x1c3a8ab54 0x1affee060 0x1b00dc018 0x1b00ddf8c 0x102bdbf98 0x1afd12280 0x1afcb62f4 0x102bdbea4 0x102bf4714 0x102beb170 0x102bea204 0x102be50dc 0x102be2000 0x102bdf3fc 0x102bdefb0 0x102bdf008 0x1afd12280 0x1afcc1c5c 0x1afd12280 0x1afcc105c 0x1b00595d0 0x1b0053a78 0x1b0052b90 0x1b12707f8 0x1b12a1964 0x102be0478 0x102a41dfc 0x102a41e70 0x1b00de130 0x1affc11c0 0x100549b60 0x100549b10 0x1005bd9f8 0x1005539bc 0x100549990 0x1005a1d48 0x100549478 0x10054ae88 0x1005a1d48 0x10054adc0 0x1005b5678 0x10054a688 0x10058dc24 0x10054411c 0x100543a28 0x1005b5678 0x1005b5588 0x1005439d0 0x100543cf8 0x10058dc24 0x10054411c 0x100543a28 0x1005b5678 0x1005b5588 0x1005439d0 0x100543cf8 0x10058dc24 0x10054411c 0x100543a28 0x1005b5678 0x1005b5588 0x1005439d0 0x100543cf8 0x10058dc24 0x1005c930c 0x1005b5678 0x1005b5588 0x1005c9260 0x1005c9408 0x10055e03c 0x1005c9030 0x100528bb8 0x1005b177c 0x100511674 0x100511658 0x1b0059940 0x1b0058bc8 0x1b00533e4 0x1b0052b90 0x1c6375598 0x1b293c638 0x1b2941bb8 0x1 00511840 0x1AFD31588)

Xctest-Client.js: 206: 16 [Master] PID: 79162 Libc ++ Abi.dylib: Terminating with Uncauption of Type NSEXCEPTION

Proxy.js: 63: 22 [Master] PID: 79162 XCTEST Client Proxy Error With: Error: Socket HANG Up