alibaba / nquery

Generic SQL engine for Web and Big-data.
382 stars 124 forks source link

Support free text search of all fields #9

Open timwis opened 8 years ago

timwis commented 8 years ago

node-sqlparser does parse FREETEXT(foo, 'bar') but it does not parse FREETEXT(*, 'bar') (with the wildcard)

(ref timwis/node-soda2-parser#1)

timwis commented 8 years ago

By the way, hello! And great library. I've used it to build a parser of an open data API called SODA2, which is basically SQL in querystring format. There were only a few, very minor things that didn't work. Of the 5 things, 2 of them may make sense for node-sqlparser to support (as I think they're part of regular SQL) so I've posted them as issues. I also submitted a pull request to upgrade a few of your tests. Thanks!