alibaba / spring-cloud-alibaba

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empty config at nacos-server make a exception java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null #747

Closed Comven closed 5 years ago

Comven commented 5 years ago

nacos 1.0.0 spring-cloud Greenwich SR1

When the configuration center address is configured in the program after, there is a sudden such problem at 1 am on the 15th. `[fixed-] [sub-server] get server config exception,, group=DEFAULT_GROUP, tenant= no available server`

I think it may be because the configuration center address is configured, but there is a relationship that increases the corresponding configuration. So after adding a configuration xxx-center.properies to the nacos server configuration list, since it is not allowed to directly publish empty files, a parameter test=1 is randomly configured. Then when I started the xxx-center program, I reported the error directly and the program hangs. The error is as follows: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification( at java.util.ArrayList$ at at at at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.doInvokeListener( at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.invokeListener( at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.multicastEvent( at at at org.springframework.boot.context.event.EventPublishingRunListener.running( at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplicationRunListeners.running( at at at According to the prompt to find the RibbonApplicationContextInitializer found in the following code protected void initialize() { if (clientNames != null) { for (String clientName : clientNames) { this.springClientFactory.getContext(clientName); } } } The element value of clientNames was changed to null during the initialization process, because I used the ribbon.eager-load load configuration in my program and reported the exception initialized by this ribbon.

When I delete the of the nacos server, the program will start normally.

Is this a bug in spring-cloud-alibaba components?

flystar32 commented 5 years ago

I can't get precise information from your describe.

  1. no available server seems to can't connect to Nacos Server.
  2. I don't think configuration with content 'test=1' would cause ribbon eager load error.

Provide a project that reproduces the issue would helps a lot.

Comven commented 5 years ago

我用中文描述一下,当我在nacos-server配置列表中配置一个配置假如叫,然后我的应用程序中加入了ribbon eager配置 ` ribbon.eager-load.enabled=true

ribbon.eager-load.clients=cryption-center ` 我的cryption-center程序是存在且注册成功的。这个时候我启动user-center程序会导致上面的错,我当时测试的nacos-server和nacos-client版本为1.0.0,按照ribbon eager的配置不采用nacos做注册中心的时候,及时需要执行eager-load的服务不可达,程序也不回挂掉,而采用nacos后会打印上面的错,最后程序启动不成功。但是当时我们没有去验证是否cryption-center是不可达状态,因为我反复重启了多次cryption-center和user-center程序,当时我将issue提到了nacos项目组,


chengqipeng commented 5 years ago


Comven commented 5 years ago


你是想使用最新版本的nacos-client吗 处理下你的依赖就行了
