Closed fangjian0423 closed 5 years ago
This looks very good. Well Done.
我觉得OK,希望阿里巴巴 越来越好
The promotion of nacos products is obviously lagging behind with other components. Can we speed up the iteration?
唯一的建议 是希望 其他如nacos、seata sentinel dubbo 等 cloud 依赖POM版本号能及时更新。是在是更新的太慢了。导致无法升级。
非常好,希望未来有一个完整的独立的微服务体系,赶超spring cloud!
前版本 | After |
0.1 | 1.0 |
0.2 | 1.1 |
0.3 | 1.2 |
我建议采用类似Spring Cloud的版本命名方式:
前版本 | After |
0.1 | Edgware |
0.2 | Finchley |
0.9 | Greenwich |
包名改了之后,感觉像是alibaba的云组件,跟spring-cloud没啥关系了。 不知道这样改了之后,最终还是按照spring-cloud的标准,还是会脱离spring-cloud,发展自己标准的微服务组件?
包名改了之后,感觉像是alibaba的云组件,跟spring-cloud没啥关系了。 不知道这样改了之后,最终还是按照spring-cloud的标准,还是会脱离spring-cloud,发展自己标准的微服务组件?
并没有脱离 spring-cloud,跟 spring cloud 官方还是合作的关系,可以参考 spring-cloud leader spencer 的留言:
The promotion of nacos products is obviously lagging behind with other components. Can we speed up the iteration?
now we have our own release train, we can release new version by ourselves.
but we must make sure the modifications about pkg name & maven groupId & version number, it can't be changed if we use these new value.
包名,groupId 我觉得ok,关于版本号,有个个人想法:是不是可以参考sb和sc的版本号规律,毕竟sca三个主版本是根据sb和sc的不同版本来区分的;如果是1.0/1.1/1.2可能还需要专门理解相应的版本对应关系,对于刚接触的来说并不是太友好,何不如遵照sb的版本特点:
before | After |
0.1 | 1.5.x |
0.2 | 2.0.x |
0.9 | 2.1.x |
前版本 | After |
0.1 | Edgware |
0.2 | Finchley |
0.9 | Greenwich |
和我们常用的ali cloud
很容易混淆。spring cloud
到alibaba cloud
的难度系数多大,如何能加速落地,增强认知。The project did not get kicked out :-) One of the reasons for the move is so that the Alibaba team is not bottlenecked by the spring team for releases. By moving to their own org, they are administrators of the project and #734 allows Alibaba to perform their own releases using their own maven coordinates. Look for continued cooperation, joint blog posts announcing releases and more!
看到这个,我理解的迁移项目是因为release受阻,确实没看出来为什么要改groupId & version
before | After |
0.1 | 1.5.x |
0.2 | 2.0.x |
0.9 | 2.1.x |
前版本 | SC | SCA version | ....... |
0.1 | Edgware | xiErqi(西二旗) | Erguotou(二锅头) |
0.2 | Finchley | Fuxingmen(复兴门) | Fenjiu(汾酒) |
0.9 | Greenwich | yongheGong(雍和宫) | Guihuajiu(桂花酒) |
The project did not get kicked out :-) One of the reasons for the move is so that the Alibaba team is not bottlenecked by the spring team for releases. By moving to their own org, they are administrators of the project and #734 allows Alibaba to perform their own releases using their own maven coordinates. Look for continued cooperation, joint blog posts announcing releases and more!
groupId & version
The project did not get kicked out :-) One of the reasons for the move is so that the Alibaba team is not bottlenecked by the spring team for releases. By moving to their own org, they are administrators of the project and #734 allows Alibaba to perform their own releases using their own maven coordinates. Look for continued cooperation, joint blog posts announcing releases and more!
groupId & version
- release 受阻只是其中一个原因
- �maven central 发版本,不同的 org 是有不同的账号的,无法跨 org 发版本。所以必须切换成 alibaba oss 对应的 groupId。 version 的话因为 pkg name & maven coordinate 都改了,换个全新的版本号更加适合
将 作为主 maven central
,让他们follow us. ( ̀⌄ ́)
The project did not get kicked out :-) One of the reasons for the move is so that the Alibaba team is not bottlenecked by the spring team for releases. By moving to their own org, they are administrators of the project and #734 allows Alibaba to perform their own releases using their own maven coordinates. Look for continued cooperation, joint blog posts announcing releases and more!
groupId & version
- release 受阻只是其中一个原因
- �maven central 发版本,不同的 org 是有不同的账号的,无法跨 org 发版本。所以必须切换成 alibaba oss 对应的 groupId。 version 的话因为 pkg name & maven coordinate 都改了,换个全新的版本号更加适合
个人感觉也是有点误导性的包名,感觉像是阿里云体系一样的概念. 虽然有org的relase问题,所以必须以com.alibaba开头. 那是不是可以考虑包名是 这样能够让人明白这不是阿里云体系而是spring cloud体系?
我觉得alibaba-cloud算spring-cloud里面的一个体系,基于spring-cloud来的。首先包名没有spring-cloud,这样感觉是跟spring-cloud平等的。其实不是。还有版本 我觉得还是跟spring-cloud走,不要用数字。如果使用数字1.x、2.x ,会让不懂的人无法跟spring-cloud版本做映射。还要去百度才知道。
关于版本号,个人支持用数字做版本号,简单直观,对新人友好,也容易表示小版本,而且我很好奇SC 26个字母用完了该用啥
我觉得alibaba-cloud算spring-cloud里面的一个体系,基于spring-cloud来的。首先包名没有spring-cloud,这样感觉是跟spring-cloud平等的。其实不是。还有版本 我觉得还是跟spring-cloud走,不要用数字。如果使用数字1.x、2.x ,会让不懂的人无法跟spring-cloud版本做映射。还要去百度才知道。
数字版本号+1 , 文档首页写明跟 Spring Cloud 版本号的映射关系就好了
可否直接使用spring cloud的版本号,E,F,G系列,这样减少了版本对齐的思维转换,更贴近spring cloud.
I believe that more than one person is curious: why can netflix still use the package name of, but alibaba does not, is it just because of release? Or because of some other reasons for project incubation, Sorry, some of the previous dubbo things affected the view of this matter. The point is: why is netflix still available?like ribbon, etc.
改动包名,什么的都是小事了,但是改动了,能否针对阿里系的所有组件进行支持 如fastjson,druid,dubbo 能比spring cloud 迭代要快些,jdk方面的支持能否向jdk11靠,编码方面,能否采用更灵活的新特性支持。 jdk 11 比 jdk 8 其提升的效率是1.2 倍,cpu中断时间大幅缩小 grpc支持什么的,都能使用最新的更快的工具
I believe that more than one person is curious: why can netflix still use the package name of, but alibaba does not, is it just because of release? Or because of some other reasons for project incubation, Sorry, some of the previous dubbo things affected the view of this matter. The point is: why is netflix still available?like ribbon, etc.
I believe that more than one person is curious: why can netflix still use the package name of, but alibaba does not, is it just because of release? Or because of some other reasons for project incubation, Sorry, some of the previous dubbo things affected the view of this matter. The point is: why is netflix still available?like ribbon, etc.
Ali is the company that can challenge Spring's dominance. Is Spring afraid? (>_<)
I believe that more than one person is curious: why can netflix still use the package name of, but alibaba does not, is it just because of release? Or because of some other reasons for project incubation, Sorry, some of the previous dubbo things affected the view of this matter. The point is: why is netflix still available?like ribbon, etc.
Ali is the company that can challenge Spring's dominance. Is Spring afraid? (>_<)
I believe that more than one person is curious: why can netflix still use the package name of, but alibaba does not, is it just because of release? Or because of some other reasons for project incubation, Sorry, some of the previous dubbo things affected the view of this matter. The point is: why is netflix still available?like ribbon, etc.
- I think the answer is this netlifx oss has already been used widely,once moved from spring cloud can cause to many users to changed
As said, the so-called spring requirements change becomes meaningless because there is no concept of "unification"
Ali is the company that can challenge Spring's dominance.
this is a joke,hah
I think using numbers as version numbers is more intuitive for the order of the versions. Not everyone wants to know how many stations in London's subway, what is the name of each station?
I like using numbers as version numbers, 1.0 for E, 1.1 for F & 1.2 for G.
when spring-cloud-alibaba in spring-cloud-incubator repository, we use 0.1 & 0.2 & 0.9 version number.
1.0 means a new start and we should start with it.
but some developers will confuse about it, because 1.0 is higher than 0.9, but 1.0 is for E, 0.9 is for G.
so maybe using letters as version numbers is a better choice.
我喜欢数字作为版本号,1.0 对应 E,1.1 对应 F,1.2 对应 G。
当 spring-cloud-alibaba 在 spring-cloud-incubator 孵化器仓库的时候,我们就使用了 0.1, 0.2 和 0.9 版本号。
1.0 意味着一个新的开始,我们应该从 1.0 开始。
但是肯定有一些开发者对版本号有疑惑,因为 1.0 版本号高于 0.9,但是 1.0 对应 E 版本,0.9 却对应 G 版本。
maven groupId 使用 让人感觉有点脱离SC的实现, 可以试试 版本好,更倾向于使用字母,根随sc的版本字母
版本号+1 应该是的大多数人的共识吧
I believe that more than one person is curious: why can netflix still use the package name of, but alibaba does not, is it just because of release? Or because of some other reasons for project incubation, Sorry, some of the previous dubbo things affected the view of this matter. The point is: why is netflix still available?like ribbon, etc.
- I think the answer is this netlifx oss has already been used widely,once moved from spring cloud can cause to many users to changed
As said, the so-called spring requirements change becomes meaningless because there is no concept of "unification"
I believe that more than one person is curious: why can netflix still use the package name of, but alibaba does not, is it just because of release? Or because of some other reasons for project incubation, Sorry, some of the previous dubbo things affected the view of this matter. The point is: why is netflix still available?like ribbon, etc.
- I think the answer is this netlifx oss has already been used widely,once moved from spring cloud can cause to many users to changed
As said, the so-called spring requirements change becomes meaningless because there is no concept of "unification"
Hours ago ,I ask Spencer Gibb same question , his answer is following
- Because the spring team maintains them and owns
So? Netfilx also needs to be changed?
版本号使用 "天干地支" 是个不错的建议:
十天干: 甲(jiǎ)、乙(yǐ)、丙(bǐng)、丁(dīng)、戊(wù)、己(jǐ)、庚(gēng)、辛(xīn)、壬(rén)、癸(guǐ)
十二地支: 子(zǐ)、丑(chǒu)、寅(yín)、卯(mǎo)、辰(chén)、巳(sì)、午(wǔ)、未(wèi)、申(shēn)、酉(yǒu)、戌(xū)、亥(hài)。其中子、寅、辰、午、申、戌为阳支,丑、卯、巳、未、酉、亥为阴支
地支和生肖的对应关系: 子-鼠,丑-牛,寅-虎,卯-兔,辰-龙,巳-蛇, 午-马,未-羊,申-猴,酉-鸡,戌-狗,亥-猪。
生肖英文名: Rat 鼠,Ox 牛,Tiger 虎,Rabbit 兔,Dragon 龙,Snake 蛇,Horse 马,Goat 羊,Monkey 猴,Rooster 鸡,Dog 狗,Boar 猪
更加倾向于选择十二生肖 😁
从 Edgware 开始支持, Rat 支持 Edgware, Ox 支持 Finchley, Tiger 支持 Greenwich,Rabbit 支持 Hoxton ....
版本号使用 "天干地支" 是个不错的建议:
十天干: 甲(jiǎ)、乙(yǐ)、丙(bǐng)、丁(dīng)、戊(wù)、己(jǐ)、庚(gēng)、辛(xīn)、壬(rén)、癸(guǐ)
十二地支: 子(zǐ)、丑(chǒu)、寅(yín)、卯(mǎo)、辰(chén)、巳(sì)、午(wǔ)、未(wèi)、申(shēn)、酉(yǒu)、戌(xū)、亥(hài)。其中子、寅、辰、午、申、戌为阳支,丑、卯、巳、未、酉、亥为阴支
地支和生肖的对应关系: 子-鼠,丑-牛,寅-虎,卯-兔,辰-龙,巳-蛇, 午-马,未-羊,申-猴,酉-鸡,戌-狗,亥-猪。
生肖英文名: Rat 鼠,Ox 牛,Tiger 虎,Rabbit 兔,Dragon 龙,Snake 蛇,Horse 马,Goat 羊,Monkey 猴,Rooster 鸡,Dog 狗,Boar 猪
更加倾向于选择十二生肖 😁
从 Edgware 开始支持, Rat 支持 Edgware, Ox 支持 Finchley, Tiger 支持 Greenwich,Rabbit 支持 Hoxton ....
感觉要首字母相同才好😁 还真不好找。。。
天干地支,简称为干支,源自中国远古时代对天象的观测。 版本号使用 "天干地支" 是个不错的建议: 十天干: 甲(jiǎ)、乙(yǐ)、丙(bǐng)、丁(dīng)、戊(wù)、己(jǐ)、庚(gēng)、辛(xīn)、壬(rén)、癸(guǐ) 十二地支: 子(zǐ)、丑(chǒu)、寅(yín)、卯(mǎo)、辰(chén)、巳(sì)、午(wǔ)、未(wèi)、申(shēn)、酉(yǒu)、戌(xū)、亥(hài)。其中子、寅、辰、午、申、戌为阳支,丑、卯、巳、未、酉、亥为阴支 十二地支对应十二生肖,十二生效也有对应的英文名: 地支和生肖的对应关系: 子-鼠,丑-牛,寅-虎,卯-兔,辰-龙,巳-蛇, 午-马,未-羊,申-猴,酉-鸡,戌-狗,亥-猪。 生肖英文名: Rat 鼠,Ox 牛,Tiger 虎,Rabbit 兔,Dragon 龙,Snake 蛇,Horse 马,Goat 羊,Monkey 猴,Rooster 鸡,Dog 狗,Boar 猪 更加倾向于选择十二生肖 😁 从 Edgware 开始支持, Rat 支持 Edgware, Ox 支持 Finchley, Tiger 支持 Greenwich,Rabbit 支持 Hoxton ....
感觉要首字母相同才好😁 还真不好找。。。
不过感觉还可以,Edgware 开始支持,从十二生肖 Rat 鼠可以。 😁
when the new version will release is my only want to know
official policy announcement:
关于版本号,个人支持用数字做版本号,简单直观,对新人友好,也容易表示小版本,而且我很好奇SC 26个字母用完了该用啥
目前决定 bom 版本号采用跟 Spring Cloud 一样的伦敦地铁站名,starter & 模块版本号采用数字:
Greenwich.RELEASE 内部的 starter 版本号为 1.2.x:
Spring Cloud Alibaba Bom 版本号 | Starter & 模块名 版本号 | Spring Cloud 版本号 |
Spring Cloud Alibaba Edgware | 1.0.x | Spring Cloud Edgware |
Spring Cloud Alibaba Finchley | 1.1.x | Spring Cloud Finchley |
Spring Cloud Alibaba Greenwich | 1.2.x | Spring Cloud Greenwich |
由于两边版本节奏不一样,以 Greenwich 为例
Spring Cloud Alibaba Bom 版本号 | Starter & 模块名 版本号 | Spring Cloud 版本号 |
Spring Cloud Alibaba Greenwich.RELEASE | 1.0.0 | Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR2 |
Spring Cloud Alibaba Greenwich.SR1 | 1.0.1 | Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR3 |
Spring Cloud Alibaba Greenwich.SR2 | 1.0.2 | Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR3 |
Spring Cloud Alibaba Greenwich.SR3 | 1.0.3 | Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR4 |
虽然都是 Greenwich 大版本,但是小版本号不一样。以 Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR4 为例,需要记住 Spring Cloud Alibaba 的版本为 Greenwich.SR3,Starter & 模块名版本为 1.0.3。这样需要记住 3 个版本号。
参考孵化器时的做法,Bom 的版本号跟 Starter & 模块名 版本号一致。这样需要记住 2 个版本号:
Spring Cloud Alibaba Bom 版本号 | Starter & 模块名 版本号 | Spring Cloud 版本号 |
Spring Cloud Alibaba 1.0.0 | 1.0.0 | Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR2 |
Spring Cloud Alibaba 1.0.1 | 1.0.1 | Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR3 |
Spring Cloud Alibaba 1.0.2 | 1.0.2 | Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR4 |
只需记住 2 个版本号 比 记住 3 个版本号 显得更方便直接
[Discuss] the package name & maven groupId & version number
Hi, everyone! now spring-cloud-alibaba have moved away from spring-cloud repository.
The official policy will be announced in the future by spring-cloud team to explain why spring-cloud-alibaba move away from spring-cloud repository.
The package name will be changed from
.The maven groupId change from
. maven artifactId will be keep, we think the fewer modification the better.since the package name & maven groupId modification, the version number will be changed. This is the mapping table between version number modification and Spring Cloud version number.
These modifications will effect the usage of spring-cloud-alibaba, we need the suggestions about package name & maven groupId & version number from community, please reply & discuss in the issue.
[讨论] 关于包名 & maven groupId & 版本号的修改
大家好,spring-cloud-alibaba 目前已经从 spring-cloud 的 github 仓库迁移到了 alibaba 仓库下。
spring-cloud 团队会在未来发出官方的公告解释为什么 spring-cloud-alibaba 会迁移到 alibaba 仓库下。
。maven groupId 从
. maven artifactId 会保持原有的名字,我们认为我们改的越少,大家的改动也就越少。由于包名和 maven groupId 进行了修改,版本号也需要进行修改,这是版本号修改前后跟 Spring Cloud 版本号的映射关系表:
这些包名和 maven groupId 以及版本号的修改会影响目前 spring-cloud-alibaba 的使用者,我们需要社区的意见,也想听听社区的声音。大家可以在 issue 里进行答复和讨论。