Open Twinkle123321 opened 2 years ago
try tidevice fsync ls /DCIM/
thanks a bunch! how about pull operation? it always return tidevice.exceptions.MuxError: write error: AFCStatus.INVALID_ARG and BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
same error in push_content in python tidevice related filepath = './images/test/testCase.json' #IMG_4675.JPG target_path = 'test-dir/' with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: preader = ProgressReader(f, filesize) settingFile.push_content(target_path, f) preader.finish()
could you help me check this?
tidevice fsync ls /DCIM/
tidevice fsync pull /DCIM/a.jpg e:/a.jpg
tidevice fsync push e:/b.jpg /DCIM/b.jpg
Only file operation is allowd, directory operation is disallowed
Yes, directory operation is not implemented yet. pr welcome
thanks a bunch! how about pull operation? it always return tidevice.exceptions.MuxError: write error: AFCStatus.INVALID_ARG and BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
same error in push_content in python tidevice related filepath = './images/test/testCase.json' #IMG_4675.JPG target_path = 'test-dir/' with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: preader = ProgressReader(f, filesize) settingFile.push_content(target_path, f) preader.finish()
could you help me check this?
tidevice fsync ls /DCIM/
tidevice fsync push hi.txt /DCIM/hi.txt
Can anyone answer this?
screenshot {'value': <PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGB size=349x500 at 0x103BB1390>, 'timestamp': 1679578634141}
How do i convert <PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGB size=349x500 at 0x103BB1390> value to NSImage to display on NSImageView in my mac application?
I'm getting this value using "tidevice perf -B bundleID" command in my macos application using swift language.
我试着用野生版的chatgpt试了试, 给出了下面的答案
You can convert a PIL image to an NSImage using the following code:
from PIL import Image
from AppKit import NSImage
# Load the image using PIL
pil_image ='my_image.png')
# Convert the PIL image to an NSImage
ns_image = NSImage.alloc().initWithData_(pil_image.tobytes())
# Set the image on an NSImageView
image_view = NSImageView.alloc().initWithFrame_(NSMakeRect(0,0,349,500))
Note that my_image.png should be replaced with the path to your PIL image file. Also, NSMakeRect(0,0,349,500) should be replaced with the desired size of your NSImageView.
tidevice -v 0.7.14 Python 3.6.5
anyone can help check this issue?