Disable table fails while this table has a child table which is still enabled ,after that,the father table can neither be disabled nor enabled
table user has a child table photo, then i did the following steps:
disable 'user'
there was nothing displayed on the cosole,so i checked the master log ,found following log
2013-09-25 10:11:13,708 INFO com.alibaba.wasp.master.handler.DisableTableHandler: lock table 'user' by DisableTableHandler
2013-09-25 10:11:13,711 INFO com.alibaba.wasp.master.handler.DisableTableHandler: Attempting to disable table user
2013-09-25 10:11:13,719 ERROR com.alibaba.wasp.master.handler.DisableTableHandler: Error trying to disable table user
com.alibaba.wasp.NotAllChildTableDisableException: photo,
at com.alibaba.wasp.master.handler.DisableTableHandler.handleDisableTable(DisableTableHandler.java:140)
at com.alibaba.wasp.master.handler.DisableTableHandler.process(DisableTableHandler.java:108)
at com.alibaba.wasp.executor.EventHandler.run(EventHandler.java:198)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
then do this
disable 'photo'
it's disabled
then i disable 'user' again , i got the following things
wasp(main):016:0> disable 'user'
ERROR: com.alibaba.wasp.TableNotEnabledException: user
Here is some help for this command:
Start disable of named table: e.g. "hbase> disable 't1'"
wasp(main):017:0> enable 'user'
ERROR: com.alibaba.wasp.TableNotDisabledException: user
Here is some help for this command:
Start enable of named table: e.g. "wasp> enable 't1'"
Disable table fails while this table has a child table which is still enabled ,after that,the father table can neither be disabled nor enabled i.e.
table user has a child table photo, then i did the following steps:
then do this
it's disabled
then i disable 'user' again , i got the following things
ERROR: com.alibaba.wasp.TableNotEnabledException: user
Here is some help for this command: Start disable of named table: e.g. "hbase> disable 't1'"
ERROR: com.alibaba.wasp.TableNotDisabledException: user
Here is some help for this command: Start enable of named table: e.g. "wasp> enable 't1'"
i checked the USER status on master website http://fmaster:45051/table.jsp?name=USER
so what happened to the table ''user''?