alibaba / x-render

🚴‍♀️ 阿里 - 很易用的中后台「表单 / 表格 / 图表」解决方案
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Docs Typo: Correct misspelling 'defalut' to 'default #1515

Open gitgundam opened 3 months ago

gitgundam commented 3 months ago

1.依赖仓库的版本(Dependencies versions)

Description: I noticed a typo in your code/documentation where the word "defalut" is misspelled as "default". This issue is to request correction of the typo to ensure accuracy and consistency.

3.出现问题的 schema demo(Reproduction schema demo)


修改表单项的协议(schema) form.setSchemaByPath:指定路径对 schema 进行修改 (不允许通过此 API 修改 value、defalut)。path 路径详见