alicelieutier / smoothScroll

A teeny tiny smooth scroll script with ease-in-out effect and no jQuery.
MIT License
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Intercepts clicks on links and cancels them #24

Open boosh opened 8 years ago

boosh commented 8 years ago

Trying to use this with react-router, it fails if element is null in the function getTop, breaking the app if the element to scroll to hasn't been rendered (e.g. because it's on a different page of the app). It also seems to fiddle in various ways with the location which also risks breaking apps.

It's a shame because it was doing exactly what I wanted until I noticed this.

awitherow commented 8 years ago

Yeah I just ran into this as well, using it in a React project. I'm getting the following error.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeName' of nullgetTop
@ smoothscroll.js?f2bb:32 smoothScroll
@ smoothscroll.js?f2bb:62 linkHandler
@ smoothscroll.js?f2bb:98

In the component, I am not requiring or even using smoothscroll, but it's taking over globally?

jdart commented 8 years ago

Same issue happening to me intermittently,

awitherow commented 8 years ago

I've had to remove it temporarily from the project that I was using it on.

zdavis commented 8 years ago

Yeah, it's not react friendly at all—mainly because when you include it, it's going to add click handlers to all hash links.

cideM commented 8 years ago

Anyone have a code example? Maybe my skills are just too low to immediately get what's going on, but I can't reproduce these errors... so out of sheer curiosity, any concrete examples of these issues?

superhussain commented 7 years ago

I was able to fix this on my React app by simply going into the smoothScroll.js file and editing the var internal = document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="#"]:not([href="#"])'), a; near the bottom to only look at anchor links with the class scroll. Consider making this the default behaviour?

// We look for all the internal links in the documents and attach the smoothscroll function
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
    // scope to anchor links with the 'scroll' class
    var internal = document.querySelectorAll('a.scroll[href^="#"]:not([href="#"])'), a;
    for(var i=internal.length; a=internal[--i];){
        a.addEventListener("click", linkHandler, false);

// return smoothscroll API
return smoothScroll;