Closed Samyang7 closed 4 years ago
Also in my case, when I set the path for this one {ALICEVISION_ROOT}/src/aliceVision/sensorDB/cameraSensors.db I cannot drag my image to meshroom, it said the image was corrupted
Workaround: you can copy/paste qmlAlembic and qtalicevision from the prebuild binaries to your own build
I cannot drag my image to meshroom, it said the image was corrupted
can you share the exact error message?
I am not sure what I did is what you mean. I download the meshroom2019.2.0 64 bit and copy and replace my meshplug folder with qtplugins folder. right now, i could not even drag the image to meshroom. i can still use command prompt to open the UI but it didn't load the QTOIIO plugin anymore. below is the current error message.
I rebuild the alicevision and rebuild the qmlalembic and QtOIIO in my computer and used the qmlalembic and QtOIIO that i build. I can now drag the image and generate the sparse point but the mesh and texture problem still exist. here is the error message i got when i double type the mesh in the meshroom pipline It seems like the qmlalembic is not initialized properly because I did not see the [INFO] [qmlAlembic] Plugin initialized
Meshroom folder should contain:
sorry, I don't really understand 'lib folder with compiled meshroom GUI file' mean here. Do you mean that after i compiled the alicevision and then i need to start meshroom by typing set PYTHONPATH=%CD% && python meshroom/ui. after then I will see a lib folder and move it under the meshroom folder?
@Samyang7 I'm a bit lost in the thread what is the remaining problem, but to answer to the initial question:
To load the textured mesh in the 3D viewer, you need to have the following qt file in your installation:
the problem I had was that I cannot get the mesh and textured mesh in the 3-D viewer even I could get the sparse point result in the 3-D viewer. I was not sure the reason for that and I suspected something wrong with the qmlAlembic and Qtalicevision plugins since I could not build the Qtalicevision and got ' ILMBASE_ROOT is undefined ' when doing the cmake for qmlAlembic. I post the command prompt picture for The ' ILMBASE_ROOT is undefined ' and error that could not build Qtalicevision in my question.
another question is that when I mentioned that I could open the UI in the command prompt and drag the image, at that time, I did not set the path for the Alicevision_sensor_db. After I set the path for Alicevision_sensor_db followed the instruction in install.mb, I could not drag the image and it said that the image was corrupted.
@fabiencastan I am kind of new for set up environment. I install the qt5.11.1 from this web I also did this command: pip install --index-url= pyside2 --trusted-host I did not see in the location you mentioned. should i do the ''pip install --index-url= pyside2 --trusted-host" after i installed the Qt5.11.1?
@natowi I change the folder position as you said, Alicevision folder under meshroom and qtplugins under meshroom. I still can not get the mesh and textured mesh working in the 3-D viewer. Can you tell me which step for building the meshroom can I get these files: meshroom.exe, meshroom_compute.exe, meshroom_photogrammetry.exe, python35.dll (or Meshroom.bat when starting meshroom gui from source) and the lib folder you mentioned(lib folder with compiled meshroom gui files)
I recommended to copy the missing library (qmlAlembic) to the final folder as a quick fix.
I did not see in the location you mentioned.
As Fabien said;
Can you tell me which step for building the meshroom can I get these files
To build Meshroom navigate to downloaded source code:
set python PATH
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt -r dev_requirements.txt --timeout 45
Build Meshroom UI
python build
the build folder contains the exe files and the lib folder
@natowi @fabiencastan I make it work! thank you so much for the help!
@natowi @fabiencastan I had another question for meshroom. as I am almost new to programming, I didn't really understand how to enable the optional library by using the cmake optional.
For example, as my computer is CUDA enable now, how can I do the ALICEVISION_USE_CUDA and ALICEVISION_USE_OPENMP using cmake?
Is that related to this command line when building the alicevision? cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%VCPKG_ROOT%\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -T host=x64
Is that related to this command line when building the alicevision? cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%VCPKG_ROOT%\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -T host=x64
yes, you can append:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%VCPKG_ROOT%\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -T host=x64 -DALICEVISION_USE_OPENMP:BOOL=ON -DALICEVISION_USE_CUDA:BOOL=ON
thank you @simogasp at the moment, I want to enable the PopSift (feature extraction on GPU). but after finishing building the alicevision. I could see that it mentioned that: Could NOT find PopSift (missing: PopSift_DIR).
what should I do get the PopSift install?
I checked the link below and I did not get the idea for building the popsift.
it's similar to building alicevision. Create a build directory where you run cmake. Inside that directory run, e.g. from the roor directory of popsift:
md build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" -A x64 -T v140,host=x64 -DPopSift_BUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%VCPKG_ROOT%\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake ..
then compile and install in a preferred directory.
Then you need to re-run the cmake step in alicevision adding this option
-DPopSift_DIR:PATH=<path to popsift install>\lib\cmake\PopSift
and build again
Hi I am doing the project related to 3-D image reconstruction and I am suggested to use Meshroom. I built the Alicevision which followed the instruction here I could successfully build the Alicevision and open the Meshroom UI from the command prompt. I could drag my image into the meshroom and successfully generate the sparse point after finishing the 'structure from motion' step. However, I could not get the mesh and texture result in the 3-D viewer after finishing the pipeline but I could get the file in my stored folder. I check the command prompt and i got:
[2020-01-10 19:02:54,485][WARNING] class Qt3DCore::QEntity __cdecl Qt3DRender::Render::LoadSceneJob::tryLoadScene(class Qt3DRender::Render::Scene ,enum Qt3DRender::QSceneLoader::Status &,const class QStringList &,const class std::function<void __cdecl(class Qt3DRender::QSceneImporter *)> &) Found no suitable importer plugin for QUrl("file:///C:/Users/yan168/Desktop/sam/MeshroomCache/Texturing/a7581616189e513cf7923a0c2669a1ba04c34572/texturedMesh.obj")
My computer didn't have CUDA so I followed the step7 for building mesh from this website
I tried to fix the problem by looking through issues that other people mentioned and I suspected that my problem was because qmlAlembic was not built fully. here is the issue that gave me the idea When I did the cmake .. step for qmlAlembic, i got ILMBASE_ROOT is undefined and generating done, configuring done. I didn't install the Qtalicevision plugin at the moment because I meet the issue when I build it also. I could find the path alicevision/cmake but i could not cmake successfully. The error is below. (i included my steps for setting the path also)
I check the file in the cmake folder but I could not find the AliceVisionConfig.cmake file but I did found it here "C:\Users\yan168\project\AliceVision\build\src\generated\AliceVisionConfig.cmake"
Expected behavior: in the 3-D viewer window, i can see the mesh and texture result
Actual behavior: I can only see the sparse point after the 'structure from motion'
Steps to Reproduce
[First Step] my directory
[Second Step] step for building the alicevision
cd vcpkg set VCPKG_ROOT=%cd% vcpkg install ^ boost-algorithm boost-accumulators boost-atomic boost-container boost-date-time boost-exception boost-filesystem boost-graph boost-log ^ boost-program-options boost-property-tree boost-ptr-container boost-regex boost-serialization boost-system boost-test boost-thread boost-timer ^ lz4 ^ openexr ^ openimageio[libraw] ^ alembic ^ geogram ^ eigen3 ^ ceres[suitesparse] ^ cuda ^ --triplet x64-windows
cd Alicevision mkdir build && cd build
Windows: CUDA >= 10.0 + Visual 2017
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%VCPKG_ROOT%\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -T host=x64
double click the .sln file that generates (fix the problem that is "offset << not ambiguous" by following this link