alicevision / Meshroom

3D Reconstruction Software
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[bug] Panorama Pipeline - Multi-Camera Rig #2156

Open jeffreyianwilson opened 10 months ago

jeffreyianwilson commented 10 months ago

Attempting to stitch fisheye images from multi-camera rig, PanoramaPrepareImages throws [error] Only one intrinsic allowed (4 found)

Input is 4 raw DNGs from NavvisVLX lidar scanner

fabiencastan commented 10 months ago

Could you provide one sample dataset?

andrewjafa commented 3 months ago

Hi Fabien,

I'm having the exact same issue as above (same lidar scanner too) - I have attached four DNG images (in 2 zips due to file size limits)


andrewjafa commented 3 months ago

I have been able to work around this by deleting 3 of the intrinsic entries then copying the remaining intrinsic ID to each of the viewpoints

An alternate way was to use the "Multi Cam Rig" method, which makes sense because the Navvis VLX is a multi-camera rig. This succeeds with PanoramaPrepareImages, however then fails for me at on the following node (PanoramaInit, 'Error parsing input file')

andrewjafa commented 3 months ago

I tried again with a different set of images with the 'rig' method and PanoramaInit succeeded - however it now fails at PanoramaEstimation, citing 'Rigs are not currently supported in PanoramaEstimation' - is there a way to work around this? Apologies I know this wasn't the original question (and wasn't mine either) but I'm struggling to find any information