alicevision / Meshroom

3D Reconstruction Software
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Texturing node fails for any dataset for versions 2023.1.0 onwards #2183

Open jamesravi opened 1 year ago

jamesravi commented 1 year ago

The node fails with an ERROR status on both Windows and Linux for any dataset. On Windows it doesn't seem to state any specific error in the logs, but on Linux it fails with "Abnormal program termination: floating point exception detected: integer divide by zero". This only occurs in versions 2023.1.0 and 2023.2.0 - on versions 2020.1.1 and 2021.1.0 it succeeds on the same PC.


Fail for Meshroom 2023.2.0 on Windows 11 [2023-09-07 19:07:20.458248] [0x00000ca0] [trace] Embedded OCIO configuration file: 'C:\Users\james\Downloads\Meshrooms\Meshroom-2023.2.0\aliceVision/share/aliceVision/config.ocio' found. Program called with the following parameters: * angleHardThreshold = 90 * bestScoreThreshold = 0.1 * bumpType = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::mesh::EBumpMappingType" (default) * colorMappingFileType = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::image::EImageFileType" * correctEV = 0 * displacementMappingFileType = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::image::EImageFileType" (default) * downscale = Unknown Type "unsigned int" * fillHoles = 0 * flipNormals = 0 * forceVisibleByAllVertices = 0 * heightFileType = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::image::EImageFileType" (default) * imagesFolder = "C:/Users/james/Downloads/Meshrooms/Projects/MeshroomCache/PrepareDenseScene/69e731a9823b5695fe5ec1b105d48fc329dac7ab" * input = "C:/Users/james/Downloads/Meshrooms/Projects/MeshroomCache/Meshing/5aa3a8d0ebb2c8bfc78d85204fbea126637cd1a4/" * inputMesh = "C:/Users/james/Downloads/Meshrooms/Projects/MeshroomCache/MeshFiltering/d0d608906cfc3571fc119b447419ffea3ec69333/mesh.obj" * inputRefMesh = "" * maxCoresAvailable = Unknown Type "unsigned int" (default) * maxMemoryAvailable = 18446744073709551615 (default) * multiBandDownscale = Unknown Type "unsigned int" * multiBandNbContrib = Unknown Type "class std::vector >" * normalFileType = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::image::EImageFileType" (default) * output = "C:/Users/james/Downloads/Meshrooms/Projects/MeshroomCache/Texturing/1e6ef620b4d021154ead50a7a348aa6acfdb50aa" * outputColorSpace = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::image::EImageColorSpace" * outputMeshFileType = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::mesh::EFileType" * padding = Unknown Type "unsigned int" * subdivisionTargetRatio = 0.8 * textureSide = Unknown Type "unsigned int" * unwrapMethod = "Basic" * useScore = 1 * useUDIM = 1 * verboseLevel = "info" * visibilityRemappingMethod = "PullPush" * workingColorSpace = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::image::EImageColorSpace" Hardware : Detected core count : 8 OpenMP will use 8 cores Detected available memory : 3489 Mo [19:07:20.479293][info] Load dense point cloud. [19:07:20.711777][warning] Alembic LOAD: NO OBSERVATIONS_WITH_FEATURES: , mvg_visibilityFeatId: 0, mvg_visibilityFeatPos: 0, OBSERVATIONS_WITH_FEATURES flag: false [19:07:22.126401][info] Found 1 image dimension(s): [19:07:22.126401][info] - [4912x3264] [19:07:22.322104][info] Overall maximum dimension: [4912x3264] [19:07:22.322104][info] Load input mesh. [19:07:28.753328][info] Convert dense point cloud into ref mesh [19:07:29.692137][info] remapMeshVisibility based on triangles start. [19:07:33.310046][info] remapMeshVisibility done. [19:07:33.324046][info] Input mesh has no UV coordinates, start unwrapping (Basic) [19:07:33.325046][info] Generating UVs (textureSide: 8192; padding: 5). [19:07:33.325046][info] Creating texture charts. [19:07:40.243494][info] Packing texture charts (1715218 charts). [19:07:44.129518][info] Finalize packed charts (12874 charts). [19:07:44.236037][info] Creating texture atlases. [19:07:44.239034][info] - texture atlas 1 [19:07:44.535705][info] Filled with 11337 charts. [19:07:44.540705][info] - texture atlas 2 [19:07:44.542703][info] Filled with 576 charts. [19:07:44.543704][info] - texture atlas 3 [19:07:44.547704][info] Filled with 961 charts. [19:07:45.205769][info] Unwrapping done. [19:07:45.205769][info] Save C:/Users/james/Downloads/Meshrooms/Projects/MeshroomCache/Texturing/1e6ef620b4d021154ead50a7a348aa6acfdb50aa\texturedMesh.obj mesh file [19:07:59.732260][info] Save mesh to obj done. [19:07:59.815345][info] Subdivide mesh. [19:07:59.815345][info] nb pts init: 859501 [19:07:59.816345][info] nb tris init: 1715218 [19:07:59.816345][info] nb points in refMesh: 859503 [19:07:59.816345][info] targetNbPts: 687602 [19:08:00.044487][info] No subdivision needed. [19:08:00.045497][info] Number of triangle subdivisions: 0 [19:08:00.045497][info] updateAtlases [19:08:00.625687][info] remapMeshVisibility based on triangles start. [19:08:04.237407][info] remapMeshVisibility done. [19:08:04.253406][info] Generate textures. [19:08:04.253406][info] Texturing: Use multiband blending with the following contributions per band: [19:08:04.253406][info] - 1 [19:08:04.253406][info] - 5 [19:08:04.253406][info] - 10 [19:08:04.253406][info] Texturing in srgb colorspace. [19:08:04.253406][info] Images loaded from cache with: no exposure correction [19:08:04.253406][info] nbAtlas: 3 [19:08:04.253406][info] availableRam: 2129 [19:08:04.253406][info] availableMem: 665 [19:08:04.253406][info] memoryPerAtlas: 3804
Fail for Meshroom 2023.2.0 on Linux Mint 21.1 [2023-09-07 12:45:30.030016] [0x00007f7e6b152000] [trace] Embedded OCIO configuration file: '/home/james/Downloads/Meshroom-2023.2.0-av3.1.0-centos7-cuda11.3.1/aliceVision/share/aliceVision/config.ocio' found. Program called with the following parameters: * angleHardThreshold = 90 * bestScoreThreshold = 0.1 * bumpType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision4mesh16EBumpMappingTypeE" (default) * colorMappingFileType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image14EImageFileTypeE" * correctEV = 0 * displacementMappingFileType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image14EImageFileTypeE" (default) * downscale = Unknown Type "j" * fillHoles = 0 * flipNormals = 0 * forceVisibleByAllVertices = 0 * heightFileType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image14EImageFileTypeE" (default) * imagesFolder = "/home/james/Downloads/Projects/MeshroomCache/PrepareDenseScene/0dfad03b6301907e6b11db0008aca8e52c7560a7" * input = "/home/james/Downloads/Projects/MeshroomCache/Meshing/3ef45bf0d97117ba2f118bc0432666e43d58c941/" * inputMesh = "/home/james/Downloads/Projects/MeshroomCache/MeshFiltering/224c414499aecc6678ea19570d3f16e194fcbf8c/mesh.obj" * inputRefMesh = "" * maxCoresAvailable = Unknown Type "j" (default) * maxMemoryAvailable = 18446744073709551615 (default) * multiBandDownscale = Unknown Type "j" * multiBandNbContrib = Unknown Type "St6vectorIiSaIiEE" * normalFileType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image14EImageFileTypeE" (default) * output = "/home/james/Downloads/Projects/MeshroomCache/Texturing/3d1fc5a08139352552844ec216ae2aea319722c6" * outputColorSpace = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image16EImageColorSpaceE" * outputMeshFileType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision4mesh9EFileTypeE" * padding = Unknown Type "j" * subdivisionTargetRatio = 0.8 * textureSide = Unknown Type "j" * unwrapMethod = "Basic" * useScore = 1 * useUDIM = 1 * verboseLevel = "info" * visibilityRemappingMethod = "PullPush" * workingColorSpace = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image16EImageColorSpaceE" Hardware : Detected core count : 8 OpenMP will use 8 cores Detected available memory : 6112 Mo [12:45:30.050720][info] Load dense point cloud. [12:45:30.214916][warning] Alembic LOAD: NO OBSERVATIONS_WITH_FEATURES: , mvg_visibilityFeatId: 0, mvg_visibilityFeatPos: 0, OBSERVATIONS_WITH_FEATURES flag: false [12:45:30.897566][info] Found 1 image dimension(s): [12:45:30.897605][info] - [4912x3264] [12:45:30.963855][info] Overall maximum dimension: [4912x3264] [12:45:30.963901][info] Load input mesh. [12:45:33.903911][info] Convert dense point cloud into ref mesh [12:45:34.395824][info] remapMeshVisibility based on triangles start. [12:45:36.506408][info] remapMeshVisibility done. [12:45:36.511440][info] Input mesh has no UV coordinates, start unwrapping (Basic) [12:45:36.511612][info] Generating UVs (textureSide: 8192; padding: 5). [12:45:36.511627][info] Creating texture charts. [12:45:41.139474][info] Packing texture charts (1702626 charts). [12:45:43.350655][info] Finalize packed charts (12490 charts). [12:45:43.437266][info] Creating texture atlases. [12:45:43.439082][info] - texture atlas 1 [12:45:44.160183][info] Filled with 11116 charts. [12:45:44.166426][info] - texture atlas 2 [12:45:44.170469][info] Filled with 516 charts. [12:45:44.171481][info] - texture atlas 3 [12:45:44.173962][info] Filled with 858 charts. [12:45:44.674049][info] Unwrapping done. [12:45:44.674120][info] Save /home/james/Downloads/Projects/MeshroomCache/Texturing/3d1fc5a08139352552844ec216ae2aea319722c6/texturedMesh.obj mesh file [12:45:50.795869][info] Save mesh to obj done. [12:45:50.826298][info] Subdivide mesh. [12:45:50.826329][info] nb pts init: 853338 [12:45:50.826346][info] nb tris init: 1702626 [12:45:50.826350][info] nb points in refMesh: 853372 [12:45:50.826353][info] targetNbPts: 682697 [12:45:50.956544][info] No subdivision needed. [12:45:50.956581][info] Number of triangle subdivisions: 0 [12:45:50.956591][info] updateAtlases [12:45:51.483551][info] remapMeshVisibility based on triangles start. [12:45:53.538442][info] remapMeshVisibility done. [12:45:53.550017][info] Generate textures. [12:45:53.550063][info] Texturing: Use multiband blending with the following contributions per band: [12:45:53.550068][info] - 1 [12:45:53.550074][info] - 5 [12:45:53.550077][info] - 10 [12:45:53.550081][info] Texturing in srgb colorspace. [12:45:53.551060][info] Images loaded from cache with: no exposure correction [12:45:53.551780][info] nbAtlas: 3 [12:45:53.551793][info] availableRam: 4196 [12:45:53.551796][info] availableMem: 2732 [12:45:53.551800][info] memoryPerAtlas: 3804 Abnormal program termination: floating point exception detected: integer divide by zero

Success for Meshroom 2021.1.0 on Windows 11 Log too long to be pasted here, available here instead.

RichyT commented 11 months ago

Also got this, Meshroom 2023.2.0

ShinyJustyZ commented 9 months ago

Everything works fine for me (2023.2.0)

hexahigh commented 8 months ago

Im having the same problem. Im using version 2023.3.0.

PiterPam commented 8 months ago

hello all

same : Version 2023.3.0 Linux 5.15.0-91-generic Python 3.6.12

Fails on node Texturing Abnormal program termination: floating point exception detected: integer divide by zero. I am using unmodified pipeline :Photogrammetry Draft. will fail both "Monster Tree" dataset or any personal dataset.

mymike00 commented 8 months ago

It happened to me today too...


Log [2024-01-06 19:15:42.591324] [0x00007d8d5bb18000] [trace] Embedded OCIO configuration file: '/home/mike/Scaricati/Meshroom-2023.2.0-linux/Meshroom-2023.2.0-av3.1.0-centos7-cuda11.3.1/aliceVision/share/aliceVision/config.ocio' found. Program called with the following parameters: * angleHardThreshold = 90 * bestScoreThreshold = 0.1 * bumpType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision4mesh16EBumpMappingTypeE" (default) * colorMappingFileType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image14EImageFileTypeE" * correctEV = 0 * displacementMappingFileType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image14EImageFileTypeE" (default) * downscale = Unknown Type "j" * fillHoles = 0 * flipNormals = 0 * forceVisibleByAllVertices = 0 * heightFileType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image14EImageFileTypeE" (default) * imagesFolder = "/tmp/MeshroomCache/PrepareDenseScene/b4747890f49cd885c8802c805f67a70452e769e9" * input = "/tmp/MeshroomCache/Meshing/9e82c851188527f0892b35b559ba20d66b33b511/" * inputMesh = "/tmp/MeshroomCache/MeshFiltering/1aabde2a0eb4584c3c34a9754e701855144240a8/mesh.obj" * inputRefMesh = "" * maxCoresAvailable = Unknown Type "j" (default) * maxMemoryAvailable = 18446744073709551615 (default) * multiBandDownscale = Unknown Type "j" * multiBandNbContrib = Unknown Type "St6vectorIiSaIiEE" * normalFileType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image14EImageFileTypeE" (default) * output = "/tmp/MeshroomCache/Texturing/03ab4032c22e2e9b65b4e84411925322a49161cb" * outputColorSpace = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image16EImageColorSpaceE" * outputMeshFileType = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision4mesh9EFileTypeE" * padding = Unknown Type "j" * subdivisionTargetRatio = 0.8 * textureSide = Unknown Type "j" * unwrapMethod = "Basic" * useScore = 1 * useUDIM = 1 * verboseLevel = "info" * visibilityRemappingMethod = "PullPush" * workingColorSpace = Unknown Type "N11aliceVision5image16EImageColorSpaceE" Hardware : Detected core count : 20 OpenMP will use 20 cores Detected available memory : 8689 Mo [19:15:42.593763][info] Load dense point cloud. [19:15:42.994891][warning] Alembic LOAD: NO OBSERVATIONS_WITH_FEATURES: , mvg_visibilityFeatId: 0, mvg_visibilityFeatPos: 0, OBSERVATIONS_WITH_FEATURES flag: false [19:15:45.225871][info] Found 1 image dimension(s): [19:15:45.225908][info] - [4928x3264] [19:15:45.282074][info] Overall maximum dimension: [4928x3264] [19:15:45.282115][info] Load input mesh. [19:15:49.657017][info] Convert dense point cloud into ref mesh [19:15:51.138181][info] remapMeshVisibility based on triangles start. [19:15:56.492703][info] remapMeshVisibility done. [19:15:56.493004][info] Input mesh has no UV coordinates, start unwrapping (Basic) [19:15:56.493043][info] Generating UVs (textureSide: 8192; padding: 5). [19:15:56.493059][info] Creating texture charts. [19:16:12.722687][info] Packing texture charts (3252004 charts). [19:16:16.408049][info] Finalize packed charts (75718 charts). [19:16:16.458461][info] Creating texture atlases. [19:16:16.467541][info] - texture atlas 1 [19:16:27.594369][info] Filled with 43006 charts. [19:16:27.604815][info] - texture atlas 2 [19:16:28.350883][info] Filled with 13044 charts. [19:16:28.355419][info] - texture atlas 3 [19:16:28.365026][info] Filled with 2168 charts. [19:16:28.366017][info] - texture atlas 4 [19:16:28.368405][info] Filled with 939 charts. [19:16:28.368952][info] - texture atlas 5 [19:16:28.375393][info] Filled with 1652 charts. [19:16:28.376244][info] - texture atlas 6 [19:16:28.431193][info] Filled with 4339 charts. [19:16:28.433135][info] - texture atlas 7 [19:16:28.959978][info] Filled with 10570 charts. [19:16:29.673924][info] Unwrapping done. [19:16:29.673973][info] Save /tmp/MeshroomCache/Texturing/03ab4032c22e2e9b65b4e84411925322a49161cb/texturedMesh.obj mesh file [19:16:38.840817][info] Save mesh to obj done. [19:16:38.883807][info] Subdivide mesh. [19:16:38.883838][info] nb pts init: 1632693 [19:16:38.883849][info] nb tris init: 3252004 [19:16:38.883851][info] nb points in refMesh: 1632644 [19:16:38.883853][info] targetNbPts: 1306115 [19:16:39.116446][info] No subdivision needed. [19:16:39.116478][info] Number of triangle subdivisions: 0 [19:16:39.116484][info] updateAtlases [19:16:39.830839][info] remapMeshVisibility based on triangles start. [19:16:45.054593][info] remapMeshVisibility done. [19:16:45.071878][info] Generate textures. [19:16:45.071912][info] Texturing: Use multiband blending with the following contributions per band: [19:16:45.071916][info] - 1 [19:16:45.071920][info] - 5 [19:16:45.071922][info] - 10 [19:16:45.071924][info] Texturing in srgb colorspace. [19:16:45.073030][info] Images loaded from cache with: no exposure correction [19:16:45.073073][info] nbAtlas: 7 [19:16:45.073076][info] availableRam: 1651 [19:16:45.073077][info] availableMem: 179 [19:16:45.073079][info] memoryPerAtlas: 3808 Abnormal program termination: floating point exception detected: integer divide by zero

I don't know why it says availableMem: 179, it should have more than that... This log was from a retry on the texturing block only, and iirc in the first run it saw more memory available (but I can't find the log anywhere, it seems to have been overwritten by the second attempt run...)

snoopyonline78 commented 3 months ago

Me the same. image