alicevision / Meshroom

3D Reconstruction Software
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Using a ryzen GPU for meshroom [question] #2290

Open pixelto3d opened 6 months ago

pixelto3d commented 6 months ago

I am using meshroom 2023.3.0, and everything seems to be working (Other than problems that I've already got solutions for) other than one- Is there a way to use a Ryzen 7 gpu istead of nvidia for the mesh calculations? Every issue I've found pertaining to it was made 2018/2019, and I can't find very many updates, nor do I have very much coding expertise. And if it isn't possible, is there a 3d scanning program that can be done without an NVIDIA gpu? (I am completely okay with paying a bit more money)

natowi commented 6 months ago

No, to fully utilize Meshroom a NVIDIA GPU is required. (there is only You could try (uses MicMac in the backend for processing)

There is a project unrelated to this one: but not with the same features as the official latest version.

Nearly all open source tools (and commercial ones) utilize NVIDIA CUDA GPUs or are CPU based.

3DF Zephyr (process up to 50 images free ) can run on CPU

Agisoft Metashape Standard Edition is affordable and one of the few photogrammetry tools supporting AMD GPUs based by Utilizing OpenGL.

tkircher commented 5 months ago

This might be a game changer:

natowi commented 5 months ago

Generally interesting, but Meshroom 2023.3.0 fails at DepthMap stage.

vosen commented 4 months ago

To those interested in the topic: could you please test Meshroom-compatible ZLUDA version? More info here: