alicevision / MeshroomResearch

Research Nodes for Meshroom
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Have an independent folder for conda environments instead of meshroom's cache folder #24

Open almarouk opened 2 months ago

almarouk commented 2 months ago

Instead of looking for conda environments in meshroom's default cache folder, it's more practical to be able to define a separate conda environments' folder (via environment variables for example).

Use-case motivation: Meshroom's cache folder is usually project specific, therefore it resides in the project's folder. When a project is over, the whole folder is removed, however, there's a need of conserving conda environments for subsequent projects.

General motivation: Conda environments are Node class dependent and not instance run dependent, just like pre-trained models, OIIO config file or Voctree file... that can all be overridden via environment variables.

mh0g commented 2 months ago

defaultCacheFolder is not the project folder, its the folder to store the thumbnails and other temp files for meshroom. You can actually set it with the var MESHROOM_CACHE ;)