Just getting the project to compile with Qt6.0.1.
I was not able to compile the depthMapEntity subdirectory but the imageIOHandler works fine in PySide6.
depthMapEntity compilation leads to a:
Could NOT find Qt63DCore (missing: Qt63DCore_DIR)
Tried to compile it from the AdditionalLibraries/Qt/qt3d-6.0.1/Src from the Qt installer, but the cmake files seems to be missing even after a successful compilation.
I was able to fully compile the project for Qt5.13.2 and Qt5.15.2.
Just getting the project to compile with Qt6.0.1. I was not able to compile the depthMapEntity subdirectory but the imageIOHandler works fine in PySide6.
depthMapEntity compilation leads to a:
Could NOT find Qt63DCore (missing: Qt63DCore_DIR)
Tried to compile it from the
from the Qt installer, but the cmake files seems to be missing even after a successful compilation.I was able to fully compile the project for Qt5.13.2 and Qt5.15.2.
Hope this helps.
Cheers !