alicevision / QtOIIO

Qt Image IO plugin based on OpenImageIO.
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Grey scale conversion not functioning properly #19

Open DougRogers opened 3 years ago

DougRogers commented 3 years ago

Attached image does not convert to QImage properly. gray

fabiencastan commented 3 years ago

Yes, you're right. It has been created for usage in Meshroom for photogrammetry and we display grayscale images (depth maps) with a jet color map.

We need to add an additional check here: Maybe just based on the filename as there is no way to have options.

DougRogers commented 3 years ago

It still does not work if convertGrayscaleToJetColorMap is set to false.

You will need something like this to support grey scale

            const oiio::TypeDesc typeDesc = oiio::TypeDesc::UINT8;
            oiio::ImageSpec requestedSpec(inSpec.width, inSpec.height, nchannels, typeDesc);

            oiio::ROI exportROI = inBuf.roi();
            exportROI.chbegin   = 0;
            exportROI.chend     = nchannels;

            // qDebug() << "[QtOIIO] fill output QImage";

            std::vector<uint8_t> conversionBuffer(inSpec.height * inSpec.scanline_bytes());
            inBuf.get_pixels(exportROI, typeDesc,;
            auto src =;
            auto dst = result.bits();

            for (int y = 0; y < inSpec.height; ++y)
                memcpy(dst, src, inSpec.width);
                src += inSpec.scanline_bytes();
                dst += result.bytesPerLine();
fabiencastan commented 3 years ago

There is also some commented code:

DougRogers commented 3 years ago

Does uncommenting out that code and setting the convertGrayscaleToJetColorMap flag to false, load the test image for you?

fabiencastan commented 3 years ago

I have not tested it.